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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: TTC or TTCI.. (Views: 42)

Forums. - sm

Posted: Nov 10th, 2019 - 8:37 pm In Reply to: If people were required to post with their real names, I bet it would stop - Thats what I would like to see

The whole idea behind a forum is to be anonymous. If you feel that the content is out of hand, then don't come here.

It's for people to air grievances and answer questions and you have to figure that's going to lead to people not agreeing. So what?

Not everything needs to be Facebook oriented. This board was here before Facebook came along. Some people used monikers, but what difference would it really make?

It's just for sharing ideas. If someone is snippy, then so be it. Let them be snippy. It's called ignore or scroll past.

If we don't be honest here about these companies and sugar-coat everything, what sense would that make?

No traffic, no one would come here because it would be all fluff and rainbows.

Please go back to Facebook land, if you can't handle the real deal here. I, for one, want to know what people to have to say whether that means putting up with some real answers with some real feeling and words in it that people can feel free to post and not receive backlash from companies.

Am I alone in this wanting to stay a board where people can just post how they feel or their experience for real. I know that one person's trash is another one's treasure. I get it.


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