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I agree. They used to pay you 30% more to - account for no benefits and taxes

Posted: Apr 19th, 2017 - 4:32 pm In Reply to: IC - It is a crock

But no more and I supposed people were desprate for income, so they took the job, which IS all to the "employer's" advantage. I did it once and it was all right because the owner was still paying decently. Then the owner got on the 4 cpl bandwagon and all of a sudden, even on low wages, I had to come up with a social security tax bill of almost $3500, just for both parts of social security, on very poor money of $22,000 or so. That didn't even include regular taxes. I, too said "never again."


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  • Integrity - Lost Hope (Views: 777, 2017-04-18, 5:05 pm)
    • IC - contracts (Views: 506, 2017-04-18, 7:07 pm)
      • IC - It is a crock (Views: 530, 2017-04-18, 10:14 pm)
        • I agree. They used to pay you 30% more to - account for no benefits and taxes