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M*Modal Today's Top Viewed: At one time they were the best. I worked for them.. (Views: 35)

Merging and advice - TiredMT

Posted: Mar 29th, 2017 - 1:55 pm In Reply to: Company just merged with M Modal - Speedfingers

Here's my advice. I have worked for MModal for some time. I personally feel Fluency is by far the best software program I have used in this job I have done for over 17 years. However, you will not get paid here. There is no way around it. I am very proficient, at the highest level, and this is where things get dicey. The more experienced you are, the more crap dictations you get. So, you end up making less money than people who are tiered less than you. If you need to stay home and care for kids or have medical issues, this is a decent job, however, you will never make ends meat...and I mean that...it is just not possible to consistently go above the LPH you need. I start my day off around 500+ per hour, and then it slowly deteriorates to around an average of 250-300 and it has never gone over that. Best thing would be to work for a private organization where your skills are best appreciated. I am looking for work and cannot stand being treated like I am an entry level worker the rest of my life. Best of luck.


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