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Company Board Today's Top Viewed: TTC or TTCI.. (Views: 42)

Great Info! - anon

Posted: Aug 3rd, 2015 - 1:32 pm In Reply to: My thoughts on that - Just a MT

Your thoughts are knowledgeable and make a lot of sense. The mighty iMedX would not continue to support a "subsidiary" if they couldn't have a death grip on ultimate control. I really hope Trio and the DOL step up and handle this in a way that will benefit all Americans, the soldiers, and the MTs who contribute to their care, because the corporate world needs to understand that there there is more than one kind of "wounded warrior" right here at home.


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  • Alpha/Trio - wondering (Views: 773, 2015-08-03, 12:07 am)
    • huh..... - ShaniaRazr (Views: 289, 2015-11-19, 5:16 pm)