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Company Board Today's Top Viewed: TTC TTCI.. (Views: 44)

Was there for two years. - It is a lie.

Posted: Jul 6th, 2015 - 3:59 pm In Reply to: Does TTS seriously - sm

I worked for TTS for two years as a shift lead. I left because of upper management. I have been in this business for 20 years, and TTS has the worst people I have come across as far as upper management. One of the owners is not very bright, and because of that, it is impossible to have a conversation with her. Her right-hand man, well woman, whose name starts with a K, has got to be one of the rudest people I have ever met. Because I was a shift lead, I would receive a copy of every e-mail that went out to everyone, so I could see how incredibly rude she was.

As far as tracking your idle time, they cannot. It is a lie. That is part of their "genius" plan to keep you working continuously. They have been using that same lie for years. I felt bad because I had some MTs tell me if they had to step away for more than one minute, they would put something to hold their pedals down because they were terrified of being idle for too long.


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