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s/l recommending a tubal face bone scan for symptomatology of RSD - rainbo

Posted: Jan 28, 2010

Orthopaedic IME report.


Dr. ________ is recommending a s/l tubal face bone scan for symptomatology of RSD, a sympathetic block, and a trial of Lyrica.

Can someone clarify?


____ PHASE bone scan. - rainbo

[ In Reply To ..]
The second word is phase, not face. Can't figure out the first one though.

Triple - see message - lexluther

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If you plug "bone scan RSD" into google, the google search box will actually hint at it before you even hit enter. My ortho book has it hyphenated, i.e., triple-phase bone scan.

That's it! - rainbo

[ In Reply To ..]
It's amazing how clearly you can hear it once you know what it says. Thanks Lex!
You're very welcome. - lexluther
[ In Reply To ..]
no msg

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