Morning all - looking for suture name/type. Doc dictates s/l 14-0 ef a lon was used for closure. Pt. had sharp dissection of nose lesion. Thank you! ...
Doing a balloon valvuloplasty and it sounds like doctor is saying "2 Perclose" of arteriotomy site - not Perclose, but something similar. Anyone know? Thanks in advance. ...
A "humanitarian" stitch? It sounds pretty clear but I can't find this term anywhere with regard to suturing a wound. I did come up with links to a lot of charity web sites though! LOL
Thanks in advance! ...
the wound was "VAC'd" as in it had vacuum assisted closure. This is a verbatim account, so I have to put as he dictates, but not sure how to type it. is VAC'd correct? ...
I know I've done this one before, but it's not coming back to me, and I'll know it when I see it. I believe it is a tecnique used in female GYN/Uro surgeries. ...