The doctor dictates: Radiographs and examination are consistent with a fixed flexion contracture *in various* knee... I know he did not say "various", but it sounds that way. What could he be saying? Thanks!
Everytime he does an exam for someone after a knee replacement he says:
"Range of motion is stable. (?) is intact. The calf is supple and nontender."
It sounds like (caution???). I am sure that is not it, but that is the closest s/l.
Thanks in advance if you have any ideas. ...
I made a longitudinal oriented incision and expressed some purulence out with pressure, cephalad and caudad, knee-v-eel, and lateral.
The patient has a infected brown recluse bite on his anterior proximal lateral knee. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance. ...
Left shoulder injury
Supine exam demonstrates a s/l knee RA position of approximately 80 degrees..."
Does not sound like it makes sense (knee arthritis in the shoulder?). It has to be something else, but I cannot make any other words out and it clearly sounds like knee RA position. Any help? ...
Dictated: MRI reported as positive for minimal s/l truckation (truh-KAY-shun) of the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus, possibly secondary to prior injury. No displaced meniscal fragment was identified.
I was thinking "truncation" (shortening), but does that fit in context? I have not heard with regard to menisci before.
Thanks for any help. ...
There is a Baker's cyst noted posteriorly as well as tenderness over the pes bursa. Positive static **in-en-elly** patellar compression test. She does have some medial joint line tenderness. Thanks!! ...
Brain dead I swear -
Please note, at his next appointment, he will need his knee aspirated and sent for CNS, fluid analysis and fluid Red-O.
Is it CNS or C&S?? I'm sorry, it's been an extremely long week and this PA is very mumbly!!
Thanks for your help! ...
Minimal s/l sc____ing in/of Hoffa’s fat pad as well as some degenerative change of the distal femur anterior to the weight bearing surface was noted.
I first thought it might be "scarring" but he is not making an "r" sound in the middle .. more like "l" or "w" - sculling, scowing. I am not familiar with this term/phrase in MRI. Is anyone else? Is it scarring ? or something else? and then would it be "in" or "of" Hoffa's fat pad?
T ...
Once patient was adequately anesthetized, a s/l "non"-sterile tourniquet was placed around his right upper thigh. His right lower extremity was prepped with s/l "perbale" and draped in asterile fashion.
Thanks! ...
Doctors dictates what sounds like patient had a "unicondylar or a PC2 knee replacement." Is PC2 correct? Can't find any documentation of this.
Thanks! ...
struggling with a clinic note regarding knee replacement.
Knees are postive ---- in both, right is particularly bad. It is extremely loose.
missing word sounds like it starts with a 'd'.
PA always says: The right knee (or whatever limb) has no visual deformities. Should it not be visible deformities, or am I overthinking? I think of visual deformities occurring in the vision, but I don't know. She's the only one who says this. ...
I'm having trouble figuring out which punctuation this needs, if any. The Zimmer website says "IB/II" but I can't find any other source that uses a slash, the rest use a hyphen like "IB-II". When in doubt, do we go with what the manufacturer uses? Thanks. ...
Dictated "Zimmer I B 2 knee components..." and it is a total knee replacement of patella, tibia and femur. On the manufacturer website, I find both "IB/II" (patella) and "I/B II" (tibia). I cannot find this in the BOS or any of the Stedman's books.
Is there a standard format for this brand in orthopedics surgical reports?
Thanks so much for any guidance you can provide. :-) ...
I'm working on x-rays and this doc keeps repeating the same word the same way. It's in regards to the knee and he says - Cardia spacing well maintained. I cannot find that anywhere.
Has anyone ever heard of it? ...