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perineal or peroneal - help mt

Posted: Dec 16, 2009

Sensation shows a little right lateral calf tingling (history of perinoplasty), which could be perineal or L5.  


do I have this right?  Perineal versus peroneal.  I assume it is right because I could not find a peroneoplasty procedure anywhere.


wasn't sure perineal would have to do with calf tingling??



peroneal - steph

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Peroneal is the correct one

that's what I thought but.... - help mt

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I cannot find peroneoplasty anywhere.

see message - steph

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Agree with txczech . . . possibly checking for calf DVT after surgery. It's perineoplasty but the peroneal vein/tendon is in the leg so it has to be peroneal.
ok, thanks all - help mt
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Think of perOneal as ortho -- leg/calf etc. sm - Txczech

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Could they be saying peroneal palsy?

no, definetely saying "plasty" - help mt

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Then might be the perinoplasty, checking for DVT after surgical procedure? - Txczech

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Might be looking for post op complications etc. peroneal nerve and L5 nerve root irritation etc.

perineal refers to the perineum..nm - vrvr

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