Is there is quick way to add commas between items in a list?
Of course, using Ctl K in front a word will change the punctuation, but it will also change a capitalized drug to lower case, and you will still have to get to the beginning of the next drug which will require 2 Ctl arrows and backspace.
Ctl arrow takes you to the beginning of the next word, but you will have to backspace to put in the comma.
Adding punctuation to lists is so time consuming! ...
Medication or herb sounds like dimenchon. clear speaker. No indication patient has dementia, does have liver disease and complex regional pain syndrome. Chronic pain. Hyperalgesia. ...
methamphetamine, marijuana, ecstasy, mushrooms, PCP, DMT, 5-MeO, peyote, LSD, alcohol, and tobacco. (the commas are not dictated).
I am questioning the DMT, 5-MeO, because I find 5-MeO-DMT and one thing?? How to type? ...
past medical history includes
Sleep apnea.
Seasonal allergies.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease.
The patient is being seen for anemia. ...
I'm starting a new account this week and all drugs are to be done in all CAPS. Does anyone have a Shorthand file that contains drugs only that they'd be willing to share? It's only if the expansions are not upper case, I just need something to get started with. Thanks in advance! ...
The patient has a past medical history of coronary artery disease and prostate cancer.
Meds are Lupron and then what sounds like Ramaphyi, Levsith and a diuretic.
I can only guess at:
Ramipril but it sounds like phil on the end? and then what sounds like Blesith or Levsid? May start with a gl sound?
I have tried everything in my drug book and at
I am so confused! Any thoughts? TIA. ...
__. s/l OMA (no letters before or after. not soma).
Triple mix.
Only medical history is treating lymphoma. ...