I am doing a carpal tunnel release. Dictator states "Next marking was made in the safe zone 5 mm ulnar to the 'interthecal' (he spells this out as interthecal) depression in line with the 3rd web space approaching but not crossing Kaplan cardinal line and approaching but not crossing proximally the wrist crease." I cannot find anything anywhere that is spelled interthecal. "Thecal" means "relating to a sheath, especially a tendon sheath." I suppose he could be meaning "between the ...
I'm rapidly developing carpal tunnel. I wonder if I can get MQ to give me some time off without having to take LOA to give my wrists a break? Has anybody else had issues like this and how did accomodative was MQ? ...
as far as occupational hazards? Are we more prone to head and neck disease because of earphone usage? Arthritis because of all the hand work? I am trying to stay ahead of any potential health problems if I can. I notice that my eyes are shot from this job. I have to get a stronger prescription every year.
Thanks to any response. ...
I am starting to have a lot of difficulty with my hands after 24 years of transcribing. I wake up all night long with pain and tingling in my fingers. I am pretty sure I have carpal tunnel. Does anybody wear gloves while they are working to help with carpal tunnel? If so, what kind and where do you get them? TIA ...
Has any MT out there had carpal tunnel surgery? I'm having surgery on my right hand on Wednesday. Just curious if others have had it done and if they are happy with the results. ...
I can't figure out what the (___) would be. It s/l it could be (loss and) but I was thinking it was going to be a specific type of compression. It also could s/l (___ anti-) compression? It almost s/l moss anti-compression!!
"The nerve itself was atrophic and contracted and constricted consistent with (___) compression."
Thanks. ...
The surgeon is saying on carpal tunnel OP report: A s/l "sin" was placed, and there was direct visualization of the release back to 2-cm proximal to the distal palmar crease. I would appreciate any help for the "sin" word. Cannot find it anywhere and don't know if it is jargon or an acronym, device, or what. Thanks. ...
Fourth time I've tried to send this post. Apparently it only works in text mode - not rich text mode.
I'm trying to identify the fingerless gloves that have 2 wrist pads to protect the median nerve. Does anyone know the name of these gloves??? Thanks! ...
I was wondering if anyone has tried either the Kinesis contoured, Kinesis Freestyle, Goldtouch, or SafeType keyboards.
I am using a Microsoft ergo split keyboard now, but I am having more and more pain and numb/weird feelings in my arms and hands. It's getting to the point where I am having a lot of difficulty typing. I definitely need to invest in a more high-end ergo keyboard, but they are quite expensive and I am not sure which one would be best. Just looking for any experiences and pro ...
I would like to know exactly where else you would get it from when you're doing 8 hours a day, 5 days a week full-time job for one company for the past 20+ years.
No outside of work hobbies or activities to cause it according to patient.
This is workers comp law, according to the doctor. I'm unsure if it's that particular state where the patient resides, but if I were working 40 hours a week at the same job for many years and develop carpal or anything similar, you b ...
Typing a followup for a tarsal tunnel release. Physician says, "The scar has a mild (sounds like kelotic, chelotic, kalotic, cheilotic????), raised area throughout the incision." Please help!
I am doing a cubital tunnel release report and it sounds like "toonami" scissors (too-na-me). Can anyone help with this? Also, can someone post a link to a good orthopedic surgical website? TIA!
Sentence: The blunt dissection was performed down to the ulnar nerve, which was easily identified, and this was unroofed with "toonami" scissors. ...
The ureter was then identified on the medial leaf of the broad ligament on the right, was placed on tension and was dissected off the medial leaf of the broad ligament starting at the pelvic brim, extending down to the tunnel of ? s/l Horsheim or Vors-heim ?
(Hysterectomy operation, pelvic lymph node dissection)
Thanks! ...
Patient has had left trigger finger surgery x 2 and a right cubital _____ release x 1.
It sounds like he is saying cunnel? Or it could be right cubital tunnel release. ...
with bifrontal pain, continuing after surgical release of a mucus seal, and multiple other operations and surgeries.
sounds like he is saying surgical release? would it be relief? and I tried finding 'mucous seal' would it be mucous cell ...
Our improved operating performance reflects our ongoing effort to leverage CBay's offshore processing capabilities, technology, and expertise to create the most efficient provider of technology-enabled clinical documentation and related healthcare solutions in the market
This is probably why the Q is coming up with more and more outrageous ridiculous demands on us. They want us all Gone - without having to pay UE. I refuse to make it easy for them by quitting.
Press release about Medquist Holdings becoming M*Modal dated today, January 24, 2012, from the new M*Modal website: ...
I have been looking for a month and have found a wonderful job, pays well with benefits. So don't give up new MTs! Try the local hospitals...many still have their own MTs. Don't give up! ...
This is a bunionectomy and he is saying, a modified s/l stein interspace release was performed in standard fashion. I can't verify "stein" anywhere. ...
Okay, I get this all the time and always have to leave a blank. Can anybody help? Have you heard of a s/l stein intermetatarsal space release? I've checked Stine, Stein, Styne...can't find anything. Thanks! ...
I'm having trouble finding this last drug name in a very long list of them. It s/l navelex 15 (or 50) mg extended release, 1 tab daily. The patient has a defibrillator for congestive heart failure, galactorrhea, and a history of a breast mass. Any help would be greatly appreciated! ...
I've had a clinic in WA state refuse to release to me or my new PCP some archived files I had sent to them from my doctor in San Francisco.
A local hospital MR department said that the files are mine since I paid for them and that they absolutely should have told me why they were refusing to release these particular files--I was just repeatedly refused.
I was told that there is a HIPAA clause that permits re-release of such documents, but I'm having trouble finding t ...