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beautific alzheimer's? - NLMoss

Posted: Dec 13, 2010

Sounds just like beautific or beatific Alzheimer's. Is this jargon? (Never heard of)

Alzheimer's - anonMT

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Significant Alz's
History of Alz's

Could the "beautific" be unrelated to the Alz's? More info would be helpful.

Would this be like pleasantly confused maybe? - starstruck

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Just thinking it might be Alzheimer's without agitation.

Beatific Alzheimer's - LK

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Although I've never heard beatific used to describe Alzeimer's, it could make sense in the context of Alzeimer's of the pleasantly confused type, as another poster mentioned, as beatific means to make "blessedly happy." Makes sense to me!

beatific Alzheimer's - nlmoss

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I believe and agree that this is similar to pleasantly confused. The doc just mentioned this in the hx without any other clue in the dictation. This MD tends to use unusual terms, an excellent physician and dictator, but never heard of. Thanks for your responses. This is a great resource.

please give the full sentence - .

[ In Reply To ..]

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