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aortic root vs. aortic groove - NicoleT

Posted: Mar 07, 2010

Doing a radiology report, and it s/l doc says... "normal left atrial, right atrial, and right ventricular, and aortic _____ s/l root or groove?"  Can anyone say if 1 is more likely? found both online?  Thanks.

Also, mitral annular calcification and ____ thickening. s/l baselet? baseline?

Thank you..

aortic....sm - elaine

[ In Reply To ..]
it would be aortic root. I believe the other would be "leaflet thickening".

I question the sentence at large, though. Atrial and ventricular are adjectives, yet no subject appears to follow in the sentence (i.e., one might usually hear something like "normal left atrial size").

Are you sure you are not simply hearing "normal left atrium...right ventricle, etc"?

Thank you! - NicoleT

[ In Reply To ..]
Yes... it was def leaflet thickening!

And listened again, I definitely hear the "al" at the end of the atrial, etc...

Thank you so much! I was getting frustrated!

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