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Root kit - JustanMT

Posted: Sep 10, 2011

I am new to the board but have been reading about lots of transcriptionists having dropping line counts.  I am an MT with over 30 years experience.  I worked for Medquist for many years, quit when the new group took over.  My line count had dropped by about 30% at that time.  I went to another company and have worked for them since, my line count recovered at first, but for at least the last year or so, it has dropped again, 30% again.  I am 58 years old and am not bragging, but my speed and quality are excellent. I bought a new computer about three years ago because of a virus.  It was built for me by a local company.  They used the programs on my old computer to build my new one.  My daughter has suspected for some time that there was a rootkit on this computer, the reason for the drop in my line count and why the internet is so slow.  She installed Norton on it a few days ago and ran their rootkit scan software and discovered there is a rootkit on my computer, in my transcription program.  My daughter also says that if I try to fix this, my computer will crash, and I can't afford a new one.  Does anyone have suggestions on the best way to deal with this?  I am so appalled that this company that I thought were decent and respectable, is doing this.  I would like to quit but can't afford it.  Thank you for your help. 

Root What - sm

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My suggesting is you ask technical support at your company for help as this sounds like is a Tech question. Speaking for myself, I rely on Tech support at my company for technical problems such as this.

Root kit - JustanMT

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I cannot contact technical support because evidently they are the people who put it there. It is actually in my transcription program. A root kit is a very malicious, usually viral, malware added at the original instillation of a program for the purpose of spying. It is an invasion of privacy, it gives whoever installed it access to passwords, financial information, everything. In my case, I believe it has been used to spy on me and mess with my line counts and I don't know how to confront my employer with it.

root kit - shorty

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An option would be to back up your computer, save pics and things, and then do a complete restore to initial settings. I did this earlier this year, doubled my RAM and have been good to go.
I am not so sure your computer would crash if you tried to fix the problem. There are many free programs to fix root problems.
You can buy a decent computer at tigerdirect.com cheap. Your increased production will pay for it quickly. Best of luck.
I'd recommend Carbonite for backup - x
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It's $59 a year. We backed up an entire PC worth of files before buying a new PC. It took a few hours to run the initial backup, but only an hour or 2 to restore files to the new PC.
yeah, but then she would just be moving it from one computer - to another right? with the job software. NM
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What kind of antivirus program were you using - -- Anne

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before the Norton? If it was doing regular scans, it should have caught and eliminated the rootkit. My McAfee antivirus program checks for rootkits among many other things, and I have it set to do a full scan twice a week. I would expect any antivirus program would do the same. Check the specs and the contract for the antivirus program you were using before the Norton. You might be able to get some compensation if it was supposed to eliminate rootkits but missed it.

SOLUTION - Trollbaby

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I have had rootkits before. Hitman Pro usually works. Also try Dr. Webcureit.

Norton is useless, BTW. You are better off using Malwarebytes, Spybot, and Microsoft Security Essentials. All of the above are free downloads.

Use 'safemode with networking' to install and run all of these scans.

Good luck

And if you're unable to clean the computer... - Trollbaby

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And if you're unable to clean the computer using these scans, you can always backup and reformat as suggested above.

However, I wouldn't recommend Carbonite as the last time I checked, they only offer a limited amount of data to backup. It is much cheaper to use an external hard drive and/or CDs.

And I wouldn't worry about reinfecting your computer when backing up. It's a possibility, but it's slim since rootkits usually infect system files and not data files.

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