Good morning. I have a doctor who consistently says paresthesiae and spells it this way when making corrections. The word paresthesia is in Stedman's but not paresthesiae. However, I do see it spelled this way on certain web sites, but most of the dictionaries I look at use paresthesias for the plural form. Can someone help me settle this one way or the other? I have always used paresthesias as the plural form but maybe I have been wrong, especially since the d ...
and doc clearly says he suffers from PCOS. Is this an abbreviation for something other than polycystic ovary syndrome that I don't know about??? Thanks so much if you can help me here! ...
This doctor is not dictating the final conjunction in a list of "denies." What is the correct conjunction for the following two examples? Thanks for the help!
Patient denies cough, runny nose, AND stuffy nose.
No nausea, vomiting, OR diarrhea.