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Punctuate this please... - molluscum

Posted: Aug 22, 2010

Urinalysis:  Moderate for RBCs bacteria culture pending.

Moderate for RBCs. Bacteria culture pending. - see Reason below if interested.

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Learned something myself! Nitrites in urine mean possible presence of bacteria. And, I quote,
>>>Bacteria are common in urine specimens because of the abundant normal microbial flora of the vagina or external urethral meatus...
Diagnosis of bacteriuria in a case of suspected urinary tract infection requires culture.<<< So, bacteria would not be found on the same testing as RBCs.

That's easy (sm) - Long time MT

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Urinalysis: Moderate for RBCs, bacteria culture pending.

Punctuate this please... - molluscum

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What about:
Urinalysis: Moderate for RBCs, bacteria. Culture pending.

Reason being is that 'bacteria' culture is redundant.

That would be incorrect because (sm) - Long time MT

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Bacteria per se do NOT show up on a routine UA. WBCs show up which are an indicator of bacteria but only a culture can confirm bacteria.

Here's what shows up on a plain UA.

molluscum, you are correct... - ...RBCs, bacteria. Culture pending.

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I might be incorrect... - no1joe

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But I have heard many times in the past that a UA shows (2+, 1+) bacteria. The culture and sensitivity shows the exact kind of bacteria causing the infection. In this case, I would type:

Urinalysis moderate for RBCs, bacteria. Culture pending.

Listen carefully and make sure that the dictator is not saying "bacterial." If so, then I would type: Urinalysis moderate for RBCs. Bacterial culture pending.

A microscopic UA (versus chemical UA) will detect bacteria, the culture is required for type - so not totally incorrect

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Punctuate this please... - molluscum

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I just spoke with a tech in Microbiology, and she said an R&M would of course detect bacteria, and that is how it would be reported on the requisition. Then the culture would be done. Thks!!

Now that you mention it, it has been a long time since I have - seen bacteria 1+ or 2+ on UA. nm

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