The previously recessed right medial rectus muscle was approached through a s/l "limbal" conjunctival incision and recessed an additional 1-2 mm leaving it 8-9 mm from the limbus using a double-armed 6-0 Vicryl suture in a cross-swords s/l "fon-per-kay" method. ...
I have had this word a dozen times and every time I hear it, I get stuck again becuase it's hard to find - Tuk knife?? Tuke knife - took knife? Sounds like "took," and is for laser surgery for the eyes. Twenty years in this business and my mind is fried! ...
I need help, please, with this word?
There is one permanent microaneurysm, which is right on the edge of the FAZ (sounds like "MAYZEY"), which did not show significant leakage on the angiogram.
Thanks so much!
Tweety ...