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Obstetrics - Suebee49

Posted: Jun 24, 2010

She is here now for some burning with urination and swelling of her vulva and itchiness. She said she had some (s/l)"intimate and" whiteness discharge.

Further down I get:

It appeared the hymen was intact and she has not used tampons. Urinalysis was negative but did have a few white cells and red cells. The culture was sent. (s/l) "Urine: Pregnancy negative. She's________ and negative candidiasis."

first one is intermittent maybe - sm

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I would guess "intermittent whitish discharge"

It should be urine pregnancy negative (no colon).

and I have no idea on the last one, what does it sound like?

Obstetrics - Suebee49

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sm - Thanks for the first two answers.

The last sentence sounds like "She's fresh" but I know it ends in "and vaginal candidiasis."

Possibly "she has no thrush?? - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
It's a long shot, but thrush and vaginal candidiasis are related...
Obstetrics - Suebee49
[ In Reply To ..]
Thank you. I think it is "She has thrush and vaginal candidiasis."

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