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Monofocal demyelinating... - sw

Posted: Sep 10, 2010

"EMG - 5/09 - monofocal demyelinating s/l 'century' lesion in the median nerve near the wrist and ulnar nerve - bilateral."  I'm not sure what she is trying to say here.

Might be sentinel lesion - Olive

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I'm pretty sure I hear a "y" sound at the end, but thanks for trying! - sw

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Monofocal demyelinating - DevTeam

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Depending on the context, it might be either

357.81 Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuritis 


357.89 Inflammatory and toxic neuropathy, other

Found that on Code-XPert

357.81 Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuritis 


357.89 Inflammatory and toxic neuropathy, other

You can find that by running a search on "monofocal demyelinating" on Code-XPert

Code-XPert / DevTeam

sensory lesion - --

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