patient is having full mouth rehabilitation. Doctor says s/l "approximately 3 carpules of 2% xylo 1 in 100 K epi" were administered as nerve blocks and/or infiltration.
How do you type that?
An excellent spinal anesthetic was induced and mantained without complication or (s/l emit).
Also under the heading ANESTHESIA doctor dictates "Final" what does this mean?
Thanks for help! ...
The sentence is:
He has not used any type of topical _____, etc. in this area.
Maybe he is using an abbreviation, but it sounds like SAV. The patient has a skin rash. I feeling like putting the word ointment, but clearly he is saying sav.
Thanks for your help! ...
Under medications, he dictates some topical ointments and I cannot figure out one of them. It sounds like he is saying "zev-i-esc"
any ideas? thanks! ...
The patient is going in for a myringotomy and he is to be treated with something that sounds like "bonean" topical solution. Any idea what this might be? ...
She does demonstrate some previous bleeding from the posterior chest wall drain site that has a stitch in place currently. She has a thrombotopical pad applied to her anterior chest wall drain site. ...
A bit late tonight, need to turn it in tomorrow morning. Also, what exactly is Dermacare? Am I transcribing that correctly?
~~Cutaneous lesions are on Dermacare. They are responding to topical treatment with s/l "Moze"
Thanks in advance.