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history of stage IIIA, T4, N2, M0, non-small-cell lung cancer.
Depends on what your client wants. (history of stage IIIA, T4, N2, M0, non-small-cell lung cancer) If they go by BOS 3 (evidently BOS 2 is different), it would look like this:
History of stage IIIA T4N2M0 nonsmall-cell lung cancer
Express cancer stages with stage and roman numerals. For subdivisions of cancer stages, add capital letters on the line and arabic suffixes, without internal spaces or hyphens.
stage 0 (indicates carcinoma in situ)
stage I
stage IA
stage II
stage II3
stage III
stage IV
stage IVB
Express histologic grades using grade and arabic numerals.
grade 1
grade 2
grade 3
grade 4
TNM staging system for malignant tumors: System for staging malignant tumors, developed by the American Joint Committee on Cancer and the Union Internationale Contre le Cancer.
To express degree of positive finding in any of these areas, use arabic numerals. When they are combined to represent a complete staging expression, use arabic numerals without spacing between each delineation.
Note: This represents a change in recommendation from that outlined in the 2nd edition of this text.
T2N0M0 (stage I equivalent for many types of cancer)
The combinations that define individual stages differ from one cancer type and anatomic location to another. In other words, the TNM expression for stage II disease is different for each type of cancer.
stage IIA lung cancer = T1N1M0
stage IIA pancreatic cancer = T3N0M0
non-small-cell carcinoma
Trend Note: The term non-small-cell carcinoma is an example of one of those terms that is evolving away from hyphenation. Many sources are beginning to cite nonsmall-cell carcinoma as an acceptable expression.
Hope this helps.