Anyone know of a good site(s) to get in-depth radiation therapy terminology? I have about 50 jobs in queue and have never typed it! Thought I'd ask here if anyone has a site they like while I continue to look for one. Thanks a million for any help! ...
I can't figure out what this word should be. It s/l fest-itis. It doesn't sound like fasciitis. Do any of you know what it might be?
Postprocedure Diagnoses: Urinary retention, prostate cancer, benign prostatic hyperplasia (obstructive), and radiation fastitis.
Thanks! ...
The phrase is She will be evaluated by PT, OT and speech therapy, corrected to She will be evaluated by PT, OT and Speech Therapy. I thought it was only capitalized in when followed by a proper name like Montana Central Hospital Speech Therapy.
Thanks. ...
Regarding the DLP - I've seen it written variously mGy-cm, mGy•cm and
Becuase it's a product, my inclination is think that the second (with the dot used as in mathmetical publications to indicate multiplication) is correct but just not sure.
Anyone have a definitive answer & reference?
Thanks :) ...
I am working on a radiation oncology dictation and the MD is stating that a breast tumor is measuring s/l T2N0P(i)...I am familiar with the first part of this cancer staging (the T-N part) but can't seem to find any reference to the second portion. It really sounds like he is saying "P." I see it referenced as a lowercase p but can't figure it out for sure. He dictated the lowercase "i" being in parentheses too, but I can't find any reference for that either!
An ...
Doc is doing an MRI of the foot and says the technique is: "Long axis inversion recovery, sagittal T1, inversion recovery, and short axis fat suppressed proton density. " I have added the commas but I'm not confident about it AT ALL. Any help, please? Does anyone know of a web site that explains all this terminology? Thanks! ...
This is new to me - "axial diffusion weighted imaging with 3B values including b50, b500 and b1000."
In Googling this, I see both lower case (b50) and upper case (B50). Anyone familiar with this? Thanks. ...
past medical history: prostrate cancer treated with external beam radiation.
Sentence in question: PSA on Nilandron 150 mg daily has been eleveated but stable with last PSA s/l "of his" 4.8.
Question: (1) Should there be a comma between stable and with? (2) what are the chances of him really say PSA of his 4.8 or am I missing a key word here??
Thanks for any and all suggestions.
I'm a high producer and self starter. I don't need hand-holding. But, geesh, it's just human nature to want to hear a sincere, individual compliment for a job well done sometimes, if for no other reason than it motivates me to do a better job and make the company more money. At some point, it seems most management has started to treat the worker bees as enemies instead of part of the team. It's short-sighted and lazy, and I know it has to be costin ...
I am wondering what method you all use for transcribing. Do you listen and type word for word, or do you listen to the complete thought before typing it? Has anyone who was formally trained been taught a certain way? Has anyone switched from technique to another and seen a difference one way or another? I am continually trying to find ways to improve speed without a lot of success. I am very frustrated and having difficulty paying my bills.
Also, in case it co ...
Has anyone ever done a "pneumograph tunnel technique" for operation entitled
Two-vessel coronary artery bypass grafting.
2-vessel coronary artery bypass grafting? Preop is left main coronary stenosis.