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Drug overdose? Take a bow! - Teardrop

Posted: Mar 27, 2011

I have a patient who took an overdose of Cogentin and Ativan.  Dictator says, as one of the diagnoses, "Altered mental status secondary to a BOW?"  

Are there diagnoses that precede it? Maybe - Olive

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secondary to above.

Nothing helpful. - Teardrop

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Sorry, there was nothing helpful at all. I'm sure it's bound to be an acronym for something, perhaps psychiatry-specific slang, but the Med-Lexicon had nothing. The report uploaded with a blank. But, thank you just the same.

bow - MT

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Are they saying the letters BOW, or saying what sounds like the word "bow/bough?" Could be saying "secondary to above."

Just a wild guess - see message

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Just a shot in the dark here, but since Ativan is a benzodiazepine, could the dictator be saying

secondary to BO = benzodiazepine overdose   

or maybe even benzodiazepine overdose withdrawal for BOW

that is, if they have not already mentioned Ativan or benzodiazepine in one of the other diagnoses already.  

Like I said, kind of grasping at straws here since we cannot listen to the words.

Otherwise, “secondary to above” would make sense to me also.


Drug overdose? Take a bow! - Teardrop - Trish

[ In Reply To ..]
Altered mental status secondary to a BOW?"

secondary "to the above.

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