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Drug name Taxatol?? for breast cancer. Thinking Taxol but he clearly says Taxatol?? nm - broke

Posted: Jun 05, 2013


Taxotere - me

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Possibly docetaxel - nm

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Could be Taxol or Taxotere (see message) - jw

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Do you have dosing or any other information? Both Taxol and Taxotere can be used to treat breast cancer, so it could be either. If you have only the drug name to work with, I would leave a blank on this since either one is feasible.

He said Taxol (no dose) and patient was changed to Taxotere. sm - broke

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I ended up leaving a note and will probably be docked in pay for that one, nice huh??? Thanks so much for your help though.

oops, meant he said Taxato;) - broke

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I was the one who suggested maybe docetaxel - I would blank it, sorry if you get docked, so unfa

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unfair - nm
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