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CSF fluid components and meningitis - starstruck

Posted: Aug 04, 2010

Someone's got encephalitis! And my Asian doctor is trying to dictate various components to the CSF, which I cannot understand to save my life.  It sounds like she might be saying C3, C4, possibly CH50 (I googled this but don't know if it's right). If anyone has expertise in this area or a good site to recommend where I can find out about CSF and what's in it, please let me know. Please please please.

here are normals, maybe see where your abnormals fit in - ddd

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Normal results
â€Â¢Gross appearance: Normal CSF is clear and colorless.
â€Â¢CSF opening pressure: 50–175 mm H 2 O.
â€Â¢Specific gravity: 1.006–1.009.
â€Â¢Glucose: 40–80 mg/dL.
â€Â¢Total protein: 15–45 mg/dL.
â€Â¢LD: 1/10 of serum level.
â€Â¢Lactate: less than 35 mg/dL.
â€Â¢Leukocytes (white blood cells): 0–5/microL (adults and children); up to 30/microL (newborns).
â€Â¢Differential: 60–80% lymphocytes; up to 30% monocytes and macrophages; other cells 2% or less. Monocytes and macrophages are somewhat higher in neonates.
â€Â¢Gram stain: negative.
â€Â¢Culture: sterile.
â€Â¢Syphilis serology: negative.
â€Â¢Red blood cell count: Normally, there are no red blood cells in the CSF unless the needle passes through a blood vessel on route to the CSF.

Read more: Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Analysis - procedure, test, blood, tube, removal, pain, complications, adults, infection, cells, children, nausea, Definition, Purpose, Precautions, Description, Aftercare, Risks http://www.surgeryencyclopedia.com/Ce-Fi/Cerebrospinal-Fluid-CSF-Analysis.html#ixzz0vgQQjOtc

I tried to help but nothing specific to what you are asking - You might try a lab tests on line and

[ In Reply To ..]
have to do some research. I looked at a site for CSF spinal fluid and then meningitis and find nothing like CH50. It may involve more research on your part, but maybe just blank it and I always type the job # I am doing and then look up that blank later for future reference. Sorry I could not be of more help.

did your doctor perform the spinal puncture? - ddd

[ In Reply To ..]
Usually the spinal tap is done at the L3-4 or L4-5 levels. It is rare, but possible, to be done at the cervical level but since she is saying C3,C4, its something to consider.

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