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KEY REMAPPING HELP? - weeweewarrior

Posted: Jan 02, 2013

I'm a newbie to EditScript and am not very computer savvy.  Is there a way I can remap Alt+A and Alt+P (the play and pause functions), to one key, for instance F3?  I'm having tendon issues in my Achilles and I'd like to forego the foot pedal right now until I can give them a chance to heal.  If so, how would I go about this?  Thank you for any help you can give!

I've done that, not with just those commands but others too. - sm

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I wish I could give you a really easy way to do it, but I use this little free remapper I've been using for a long time and it's not the most user-friendly program, has a bit of a learning curve, but it's just what I'm used to (see link). AutoHotkey is another free program that you might look into, and there are other free key remappers if you do a Google search for them. You could also probably write a Word macro that would override those commands (I've done that for a couple of things in EditScript).

My issues are more with my ankle. I use Ctrl + Spacebar for Stop, like the feel of that out of other options I tried, and just use the footpedal to start (I might also add Alt + Spacebar for that).

You are so smart! - weeweewarrior

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You are so smart! Ctrl + spacebar is a great command! I am so glad I asked because I never would have that of that. I have heard other transcriptionists say that authotkey conflicts with editscript, but I was looking at zenkey yesterday -- that may be what I try. Thank you for the advice! Now at least I know it can be done. Transcription is hard on your body, isn't it?

Thanks (blush). You know, I think I may have heard that about AHK too. - sm

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If you do download Zenkey and need a little help figuring out how to make an entry for Alt P and Alt A, give me a holler (you can e-mail me, if you want), and I'll try to guide you through it. There really may be easier hotkey programs to use, but at least you know this one is compatible with EditScript, even if not the simplest.

By the way, just curious: Do you do urology tx? (the moniker, I mean)

Edit/followup: I've found that Ctrl + Shift + spacebar makes a better command for start for me (to go along with my Ctrl + spacebar for stop) than my idea of Alt + spacebar. Just a suggestion/idea.

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