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So far, I have 16(!) different problems written down that I have with the combination of Escription 9, Word 2003, and Instant Text. Some are specifically Word problems, others are Escription and still others are Instant Text.
I am so tired of trying to figure it out. Tech support has done what they can. I just can't narrow it down to THE cause. Every day seems to be another problem popping up different from those I've already compiled.
I'm hoping someone here can help. Do you think it could be my processor? This is the first computer I bought that didn't have a Pentium processor. I'm using an Athlon 7500 Dual Core processor, 3GB.
I am slowly (and that's turtle slow) working through these problems day by day and getting used to dealing with them, but it's not helping my production in any way, shape, or form and it's just so frustrating.
Another question: What processor is everyone using and how much memory do you have?
Thanks for listening, letting me vent, and pick your brains. :-)