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panic attacks - Has anyone developed these SM

Posted: Jun 07, 2014

while working at Nuance? Did they stop if you quit? TIA.

no but - anon

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I don't get panic attacks, but I hope you go a clinic and get some med for this soon. If you cannot afford a doctor many cities have mental health clinics where you can see a doctor for very little. Best wishes to you.

Just a suggestion -sm - DZ

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I used to get them. I finally realized I was reacting to things. Pay attention and see if it happens when you eat things with a certain color dye for instance. That's one of mine. Some of the others I haven't been able to isolate exactly but I know certain foods or drugs do it to me. Good luck

Yes and yes. - sm

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After 2 years at Nuance, I started to have panic attacks and couldn't figure out why. I was unhappy with my job, but I'd been unhappy for a while, so I didn't think that was it. After trying everything under the sun to stop them, including lab tests, etc, it turns out it WAS my job. I was isolated, underpaid, and I felt like I was a failure.

I quit Nuance 6 months ago and I haven't had a single panic attack since.

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