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breathe, breathe, breathe - rock bottom

Posted: Dec 06, 2014

First, I am not a suit. There is not enough money on this planet to pay me to do that job. Second, they have always been able to clock our keystroking and footpedaling. This shows up in our paystub, you can ask your TSM about it, I will not give out company info. It has been there since at least 2012. If you have not been directly contacted about that issue, then I suspect they don't think you are wasting excessive time. Third, if you have not by now figured out how to research and keep your idle time down, there are ways. Fourth, wait until you get the paycheck. I did the math on my last 2 paychecks using my current low quality percentage and I did make more. However, having said that, my concern is the QA nit picking and the changes regards minor and major errors. My confidence is completely gone (25 plus years, lots and lots and lots of education), so regardless of how much MORE I might make, I think to keep my sanity and some sense of self-worth and self-image, I will need another plan B.

I am with you - newbutold

[ In Reply To ..]
My blood pressure can't take the pressure so I am just going to do my thing and see where it falls in 2 weeks. I have a high LPH and a low QC. My worry is like yours with their nit picking stuff. I do have a plan B in that I have a part time job which I can turn into full time if need be. The only reason I haven't done it yet is that I have a great TL and I am on a great account which I really enjoy and so therefore my productivity is very good. I have the same length of time in and also went to school way back when. Good luck to you

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