A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
Yes, I gave a 2 week notice. I didn't work a lot during those 2 weeks because my primary account was low, or out, of work and it just didn't feel right to take jobs away from someone else on my team.
I have to say this......my team lead, my prior team lead, and their manager were very good to me. I realize that they have higher managers too and they are required to follow the rules that are put upon them. There lies the problem. The higher ups. I've said so many times before that this company is NOT a transcription company. The higher ups have absolutely no clue what WE do.
My belief of this has been totally confirmed by the fact that during this last week, I was also being trained in my new job with another MTSO. An MTSO that has been nothing BUT transcription-based from it's beginnings and continues to be that way. I could tell from just the training, how transcription-oriented it is, in making our jobs EASIER, not harder with nothing to PROVE to them and they are eager and intent on making sure you know what you're doing before releasing you to work. HUGE difference in my training from Nuance.
I'm saying all of this because I want you to know there IS life outside of Nuance. But YOU have to put in your applications, YOU have to make sure that initial testing is the absolute BEST you can do before you submit it, and then YOU have to apply yourself.
I am EXTREMELY grateful and happy to be away from Nuance. I cannot WAIT to get their stuff OFF my computer. Oh, and by the way??? The very last day of your employment? You are shut out. No communication, no logging into your time card, no email communication, no IM, nothing. But, of course, once they found out I was leaving (when I put in my 2 week notice), I had little to no communcation with anyone anyway.
I wish you all well. Please don't give up on yourselves and certainly don't let Nuance insult your pride and blacken your soul.