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Fridays - disgusted

Posted: Aug 06, 2012

Five years ago, I was hired for Monday through Friday.  A little over a month ago, I was forced to change my schedule to include a weekend day, so I picked Sunday through Thursday.  Today, supervisor sends out an email stating she still needs help on Fridays.  I emailed her asking about this and am being ignored.  Is there anybody in this company who doesn't have their head up their ass?

Well going strictly on what I have seen this last year, uh, nope. NM - anon

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I know, I seriously.... - (see message)

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...don't understand WHAT it is about these companies that ALL require you to work a weekend day!!

I can understand needing SOME weekend coverage since hospitals have work every single day; but don't they need SOME coverage on weekdays, too? Makes no sense to me....if you take me off a weekday, well, then, aren't you going to need someone to cover THAT work which I'm not doing on that weekday???

It seems to me that if they would hire people who WANT to specifically work weekends (like people who have other weekday jobs and just need to make some extra money on their off days or people who need to be with their kids during the week and have someone who can keep them out of your hair while you work weekends), that would make EVERYONE happier.

And then, if they would pay a little extra differential for Saturday, Sunday, and holidays, they would have NO TROUBLE finding people who actually WANT to work a weekend day. I know this works....it worked well for many years at the hospital where I worked as an employee.

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