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All I got out of that "presentation" - s

Posted: Dec 03, 2014

...was a headache.


What a deviously convoluted way to just tell us that they are cutting line rates to 3.5/7. And what's with the MLS weekly "examples"? As if any MT straight types that many lines anymore.

Good luck being able to figure out what your paycheck will be for now on.

And how about the audio on that video, huh? Shows how much Nuance cares about quality... pffffffft

Not to mention - Outraged

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They are getting rid of incentive and quality bonuses. Nice...real nice! Nuance you suck now more than ever! I am quitting!

Umm, you still get incentive and quality bonuses - anon

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Each time your quality goes up, your line rate goes up. When your production goes up, your line rate does too as long as you are under 10% QA. The difference is that it will not be taxed as a bonus and you get it right away.

The plan hurts those who are over 10% to QA and those who do not make 99% or above QA score. If you are a high producer with less than 10% to QA and a high quality score you will be fine.

I gave you a "like" because I hope you are right. - sm

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If this is a pay cut, I will be joining the ranks of the ex-Nuance transcriptionists. I hear there are thousands of them now.

Bonuses - Chavera

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She says right in the online Enrich presentation that there is no more quarterly bonus. As for the incentive pay, I think that is gone, also.

Audio sucked!! - This is proof they do not care.

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Audio like this from a company that allegedly prides itself on speech recognition. What a joke! Where was this recording made? In some back alley in India?

My #1 take away from this is that these people are COWARDS!!! No one has the courage to tell us the bottom line, which is that this is a PAY CUT with no bonuses and no incentives.

Another thing is that anyone west of the Mississippi will not be getting any type of differential because they are not lucky enough to live on the East Coast. Nice. (If I'm wrong on this, please tell me, but this is just another ambiguous bunch of you know what.)

Makes me wonder - if they had a team

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of mathematicians and chemists come up with these POS formulas. You are right...they are COWARDS! They figure if they make the whole formula difficult enough, we will see past their BS.

U nailed it! it IS a well planned out - formula

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The intent is to limit fair/good pay including bonuses to ONLY the top top producers. The rest who are still employable (meeting threshholds) will be paid at a rate not far above minimum wage with the CONSTANT PRESSURE of production weighing on them.

I call it slave labor. Until or unless Americans revolt against this trend it will only get EASIER for businesses to get away with. Probably already too late. People who think they can bury their heads in the sand when it comes to POLITICs are digging their own graves.

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