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what does rebranding mean? - see mail from HR

Posted: Jan 24, 2012

Probably just another term to add to the overused lingo list, but the email from the HR department among many other fibs stated that they were very excited to share this rebrand with us.  First of all, so excited after preparing for weeks that they didn't tell anyone they were changing the name or having "activities" going on until after the fact?  So excited that they crashed the email and the switchboard so the MTs were in a panic just trying to do their job today? 


And second, is rebranding like regifting?  Still same old present nobody wants but just in different wrapping paper?  It seems to me if the old Medquist now new M-Modal wanted to make a good impression with the start of the new company it doesn't bode well starting out with technical problems, nonexistant communication and a bunch of angry and panicked employees.  Oh wait, that is just how the old Medquist was.  Yep same old present just in different wrapping paper and now with a weird symbol on the website instead of the Q. 

True dat - It was a need to know basis

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and since we are the lowliest on the M-whatever totem pole, we didn't need to know. Just keep typing and earning money for that celebration.

what does rebranding mean? - WitchEMT

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No communication and poverty level pay have me pounding the pavement again. Maybe Walmart greeter will be my next job.

what email? - anonyn

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I never saw an email from HR about anything. I guess it may have been at the discretion of the CCM?

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