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we seem not to have embrace the new titles - Old School

Posted: Oct 26, 2013

We are still MTs and MMEs at least here.  I notice management is using the new titles, but personally, I can't even remember what they are.  I think they should have just left those alone.  Frankly I'm not even that crazy about MME because no one else in the industry recognizes it.

Rule of thumb... - when they

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come up with a more high-falutin' title, it means the pay is going to decrease.

I don't know - about pay

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I'm sure they can do whatever they want, but they did just put out that new thing on 10/13 with our pay rates so it seems like they'd have to run with that for a little while at least.

Seriously, I CANNOT IMAGINE making any - less than I am now.

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Losing my shift differential and 20 hours a year of PTO was my THIRD pay cut since being bought out by MM. I'm already at my wit's end trying to make ends meet. Another pay cut would do me in. Just trying to hang on another year til I complete my program and I am so outta here.
Stealth pay cut... - inching the
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quality requirement up more and more. More checking and double checking means less $$$$ 4U.
I cannot imagine... - Sad MT
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I said when I lost about $200 a month in net pay that it was not so great. Over the last few months I'm now probably close to making about $800 or so less in net pay a month, and I am not making it financially. I've been sending resumes out and still nothing has come through and we're now going into the holidays, not a good time for companies hiring. I never thought it would be this bad, I knew there was going to be a cut in pay, but not like this. I hope you have leveled out and will take no more hits. I will probably never rebound from this.

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