A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

To Wannie...(not mean, I promise!) sm - wasHappyMt

Posted: Dec 09, 2011

I hate that you suffered the wrath of the Q!  I know exactly what you are going through.  Remember I was an eTranser too.  After days and days of dwindling work, I accepted a job with Transcend today.  I am going to give notice soon.  I start on Dec. 27.  I am so relieved to be able to actually know how much I will make in 1 month, 2 months, etc., and not have to hold my breath waiting for MQ to pull the rug out from under me.  My weekly line count has plummetted in the last few weeks by almost 2000 lines per week.  Yes, you read that right, 2000.  Your post yesterday actually helped me make up my mind to get the h#ll out!  Man, some of these MQ people are just plain vicious.  I hope your situation improves, and I will let you know how Transcend works out.  Us eTrans outcasts need to stick together!!  Best of luck to you!

Hopefully soontobeHappyMT

Transcend - SM

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Transcend for a big MTSO is the best company to work with. JMO. They are very flexible and cherish their American employees. There is a learning curve with Beyondtxt, but once you get it, it is a breeze to work with. If your primary runs out of work, they always make sure you have a secondary and even more if needed. Good luck.

question about Transcend - sm

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Do they have editing jobs? I will be applying for part-time work and prefer editing so it is a little easier on my hands. I heard somewhere on this board that the recruiter asks you what work you prefer and wondering if that was an option. (Not QA, but voice editing) Thank you.

I would like to know that too - sm

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I hate VR and would prefer typing. Can anyone answer if you get your choice, please.
Transcend - FLMT
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I also start with Transcend on 12/19/2011. I requested typing only, no VR, and was accommodated. Hopefully this will be better than the Q. Almost no work for 5 weeks! Had to hock a ring to make the rent. Doesn't say much for having a doctorate and not being about to put a roof over my head.
Thank you - sm
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That is very sad. We are quickly turning into a 3rd world country. Companies are trying to put our wages with the 3rd world countries, but the companies keep raising prices on goods and services. It has to stop somewhere. Anyway, thank you for the information. VR is one of the things that is dragging us into the 3rd world country wages.
No - sm
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VR is a neutral technology and it is not responsible for dragging wages down. What is responsible for dragging wages down is pure greed. If we received a fair wage for VR, then it would be a blessing to even more people who have hand problems. At this point in my life, I need it as I can't straight type anymore.
Maybe - sm
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they should have it available to use if you want to at the same pay rate because I make half the money doing it and they said I would be able to do double the work using it. That is a line of crap. Maybe it should be used as a backup for people who have hand problems but for those of us that can type just as fast, we should be able to use F11. The wages for both should be the same. My line counts are actually less using ASR and I am getting paid half to use it. Not right at all.
If you're coming in on a new account it will - HappyTranscender
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be straight typing for a few weeks while the voice engines learns the dictators. It doesn't take long. There may be a few dictators that remain straight typing, but not many. They do offer support for helping you transition to VR and continuing support to help you reach your production goals. Good luck.

I had an offer with Transcend right after the buy-out but - wannie

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it was a pay cut (0.0075 cpl less than I was making) that I didn't feel like I could take at that time. Of course, now I'm second guessing myself and have contemplated calling the recruiter back and throwing myself at her mercy.

Thank you for the kind words. It's a very nice change.

Depends on what a pay cut is...sm - wasHappyMt

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Their cpl rate is less than the most we made at eTrans. Of course, at eTrans, we made that rate for over 7000 lines, which I was ALWAYS able to do. Thus, a great cpl. However, for the last 3 weeks, I have not been able to even get to 6000 lines in a week, so my cpl is already way down. Therefore, Transcend is actually more than what I have been making over at MQ. Plus, at least I will have some stability, and my schedule will actually work out better than what it is now. You may want to consider. I just despised the whole buyout scenario, so maybe I could have given it longer, but I am not sorry I am leaving. Good luck to you. Things will never be as good as we had them.

I totally understand. At the time of the offer, I was - wannie

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getting well over the 7000 lines per week, too, had just bought a new vehicle and didn't feel like I could afford to take the cut. Little did I know (though I should have since I worked for MQ for about 9 years) that a month-and-a-half down the road, work would just dry up. I hope things go well for you. Please keep us posted.

Merry Christmas!
Congratulations to both of you - for getting out
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I am in the midst of finishing my degree so that I can get the heck away from MQ also. I am so unhappy here. Have been here 9 years too and all they do to us is lie! Anways best of luck to you both. P.S. I had an offer from Transcend last year, but declined because the only opening at the time was night shift weekends included. Do you know if they have flexible schedules at all that would accommodate a college schedule? I have about a year left of school.
Current MQ employee wants out - EricaY
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Currently working for MQ...hate it! Had to go to 3rd shift b/c I kept running out of work. I applied to Transcend a week or so ago and waiting to see if I will get an interview. They are still hiring aren't they? (I hope). MQ is sucking the life out of me!
transcend - zil95
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just tested with them yesterday, recruiter called me today and said she would get back to me asap, just needed to fit my hours with theirs...we'll see...
Wow, that company is on a hiring CRAZE - anon2
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I'm starting to hear that they are beginning to run out of work and it seems like there have been several dozen people here on this site that have been hired by them just in the last week or so. Beware of companies that are making a clean sweep of new hires - you know what they say about jumping from the frying pan!
they just got a few huge accounts - mt
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That is why Transcend is hiring so many. They will give you secondary accts too, so you shouldn't run out of work.
Starting there too - MME
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Starting there too, on December 20th. I'm a LONNNNG time MQ'er so it will be a big change for me but something's gotta give or else I'm going to end up homeless.
VR versus straight transcription - Anonymous
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For those of you needing straight transcription - I was told (by someone at the company) that Transcend is approximately 90% on some accounts and has a goal to put all their accounts on VR. They may start you out on transcription, but it may not last.
The account they put me on is 80% VR which is - OK by me
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I've worked for MQ for 14 years. I don't remember the last report I've actually typed with Medquist - I'm an MME who does "clean-up" work all day long for $0.03 cpl and I haven't had a primary account in years. Even if I did 100% VR with Transcend all day every day with one or two primary accounts I would still be doubling my income over what I'm making at Medquist. As far as I'm concerned they can put my account on 100% VR any time they want.

transcend... - MT Gone

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I wish you the best. My company was purchased by the MQ. There was apparently a bidding war between Transcend and the Q. I actually found my very 1st supervisor had gone to Transcend, and had posted very positive things about them. (Okay, I know no job is perfect, but.....) Unfortunately, the sQiud reached out it's tentacles and snagged my company..... that's the reason I am now MT Gone...I miss my working from home (some days), I miss my former co-workers (we hadn't yet been turned against one another), and I miss the job the way it used to be. However, after the sQuid gobbled us up it was all downhill... pay cuts, benefit loss, account of 10 years going away, etc..... I HAD to move on, or wouldn't have a home to work from....evil has a face, it is MQ!

wasHappyMT - anon

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SOME of the people at MQ are vicious? Read the transcriptionists' lawsuit of several years ago regarding line counts. At the corporate level, they are ALL vicious. You will feel so good to see these folks in your rearview mirror. Good luck at Transcend.

Part of my problem was the company...sm - wasHappyMt

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I came out of, eTransPlus, paid me very well, left me alone to do my job, actually sent me emails telling me I was doing great and they appreciated my hard work, and bent over backwards to accomodate my scheduling requests. Not to mention allowed me to pick up extra work whenever I wanted to. So, moving over to MQ after the buyout was like being slapped in the face with a cold towel! I will probably never find a job I liked as well as eTrans, but I know MQ was definitely NOT it. So glad to be out!

Talking to recruiter again today. Go to do something. - wannie

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Just started my shift, had 1 job and then nada. Oh well, gonna try not to stress over it.

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