A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

while I sympathize with Wannie, - sm

Posted: Jul 13, 2010

as in my 35 years at this job, I have certainly been at that point of tears and frustration more than a few times, the thread that follows her comments is unbeliievable.  Of course we would all prefer doctors/nurses etc were trained in manner of dictation and courtesy, etc, but to think we should not have to do the lousy dictator is unreal.  Not only is the VR and such absorbing all the good dictators, but if this job was so easy, then anyone with anatomy/physiology training could do it.  This is part of what makes us skilled and needed.  The gravy train left a long time ago.  We must either adapt to the situation or move on.  Not to mention that the global market is more than ready to take on what we are unwilling to do, for a whole lot less compensation too.  Its time to cowboy-up and show them you can.

stop; this has been covered. - n/m

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Skilled MTs have jobs because not everyone can do this work - As it should be with anything

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It would be a very boring and strange world if we all had the same skills. I'm not at all insulted when my CPA knows things that I don't know. I'm thrilled when my hairdresser knows how to take care of my hair and my dentist knows just what to do for my teeth and gums. We're all different and should not all be doing the same thing. MT takes special skills. Not every person who tries it is successful at it. That's the way life works.

Please leave me out of this. nm - wannie

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My response to the original OP created such an uproar. However, it was totally misunderstood. I, for one, did not suggest that we should not do lousy dictators. Bottom line is that I was suggesting a higher level of respect for MTs, with more accountability for facilities, MTSOs and lousy dictators.
It never occurred to me that so many MTs would disagree with this.

Apparently some remain oblivious - sm

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I can hardly lay sole blame the decline of this industry at the feet of these individuals, but it doesn't take a degree in econ to see that if you provide nothing that the MD/MTSO cannot get from an offshore MT for half the price or from VR at a third of the price, and then gripe and moan on top of it, the work is going overseas.

Hopefully, things will recover from the glut of unskilled MTs to the point where those of us who are ready, willing, and ABLE to do the job will be able to, and those that are unable can stick to correcting the VR from carefully selected clinics.

I think most MTs are republicans - they have the - I got mine, you get yours attitude. (sm)

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They sure wanted their start when they were new in the field. It didn't matter how long or short time ago it was, when you were hired, someone with more experience did NOT get the job.

Now, you're just anti-new MTs because again you personally got your career so everyone else is on their own.

Looks a little bitter, don't you think? LOL

Don't worry about me - I'm not new to this field! Been in it 20+ years. Just as when you and I were starting out, there is a place for new MTs to get their foot in and start. The struggle now is the same as it was. Volumes have increased so it seems magnified but it STILL the same story - you just wanted a chance and someone to have some pity for you to get you started. They did but you certainly are not willing to give back.

Shameful. Absolutely shameful.

lots of invective for one little post - yeouch

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Anti-new MT?
Looking for pity?

From whence do you draw these conclusions?

When I started in this field, I was looking for pity from no one. Get over yourself.

Take your crap to the political board - nm

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It's not a political post. She's entitled to her - opinion here, too. nm
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How is it NOT political? The title alone is Republican - and then makes a not so subtle dig. nm
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Because she is giving her opinion on the greed and those - she feels represent it
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Nowhere in her post did she emphasize politics or even discuss political policies. She simply mentioned a party and her opinion of it.
And mentioning a political party and her opinion of it - makes it a political post. nm
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?? So if doing legal transcription the dictator mentions a doctor - that makes it MT?
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If someone says, Oh for God's sake, does that make it a religious post?
You might as well have said Hitler or management. - That would make as much sense. nm
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Right. But in HER opinion, it was republicans that represented it - Not Hitler or mgmt.
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And she's entitled to her opinion.

troll - nm

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That's a ridiculous statement, not to mention offensive. - starzzz

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When I started 30 years ago, I started on site at an acute care hospital with 6 highly qualified transcriptionists surrounding me. I would not have expected to work at home with any less than 2 years of on-site training. Unfortunately, the industry hired unqualified (not inept!) transcriptionists and put them to work on their own. Sorry, but it drug the entire industry down. That's the truth. Of course it's not the new MT's fault, heck, I would have jumped at the chance to work at home after just a few months of on-the-job training. However, I would never have been able to learn the ESLs without those sage mentors surrounding me, and years of experience under my belt. I remember the commercials on TV/radio about 10 years ago advertising MT seminars because 'if you have a computer and can type, you can be a home-base medical transcriptionist.' I don't know what the answer to the problem is now, other than services actually having an in-house training program before putting the MTs on their own at home, but the days of mentoring on the job pretty much a thing of the past. If the medical community had recognized and rewarded the MT profession more appropriately all those years ago (instead of putting us in a 'clerk' job classification), we wouldn't have had to venture out on our own to make a decent living. I am doing to begin the RHIT course this fall and hopefully get out of this field altogether.

not sure about the "republican" thing, but the rest of your post is spot on - sm

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People are always looking for someone to blame. In some cases it's justified, but the bashing of the new MTs who they don't think should even be allowed a job is so out of hand here.
I must be reading the wrong thread. Can you point me - to the anti-newbie post? nm
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More like "I inherited mine, inherit your own." n/t - Mookie

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the only shameful thing - is that you made this about politics

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how dare you try to imply it is a political party that is responsible for the demise of this industry.

oh I guess that is what makes you a democrat, always blaming the other foot... Man, if it weren't for double standards, liberals wouldnt have any standards at all.

I suppose my post belongs on the politics forum, just like yours. This isn't about politics, it's about right or wrong in this industry that SOME of us are struggling in, newbies or oldies.


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You and I are possibly riding the same cart, but on different wheels. I've been in this industry for 36 years and can do all kinds of docs. Lack of skill is not one of my issues. I just have a desire for more respect. Yeah, right, it's probably just a pipe dream.


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I totally agree with you, for whatever that is worth! I am a small MTSO and I call the dictators when they start getting sloppy and/or the HIM department and ask them about it. I don't put up with it. I have been told that I stand a good chance of losing accounts for doing this by other MTSO's. That has not happened. I think they (large MTSOs) are just scared to confront the facility/dictators, or maybe just lazy. Yeah, I have ESLs too, but even they are held accountable. I have had HIM department heads listen to the voice files when it's really bad also to demonstrate what exactly the problem is (and they in turn have the doctor listen in) and then offered up solutions to the problems and this has worked beautifully. It is never done with any animosity at all.
good for you - so glad to hear this
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if only others would follow your lead!
Thank you. Oh to have a boss like you. nm - wannie
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Some MTSOs will go so far as to charge the client more - for habitual bad dictators
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They will make the dictation of the habitual bad dictators weighted so that the client is charged more for it, but that is not passed on to the MT. IMO, that is just incentive for the MTSO to let it go as is.
I think one of the problems is that most MTSOs are started... - ndmt
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by people who have no idea about transcription. There are still those people who will pay more to get a quality product. As for me, if I were a physician, I would be sick at the thought my dictation was returned full of blanks and yet the company hired to transcribe was acting like everything was just fine.

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