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The JP Morgan administration ... - anon

Posted: Feb 18, 2014

.... seems to be having a little "suicide" problem lately.   This is the 7th JP Morgan administration suicide in just 2 weeks.  Think something is up?  LOL

Yes - No brainer

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Something is up. A lot of people are choosing to end their lives. Thank you so much for sharing that positive, uplifting story.

Uh, the question was rhetorical ... - anon

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Seeing as MModal is owned by JP Morgan I felt the article was relevant.

Sorry - No brainer

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I'm not a mind reader.
Wow, someone must be in a mood today - MME
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Not so sure anyone would have to be a mind-reader to see the significance in the article ... it's just a matter of putting 2 and 2 together. Everyone should know by now that M*Modal is run by JP Morgan.

No need to be so snarky-if you don't understand something try asking, instead.
It's a leap - no pun intended
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(even if you do know that M-Modal is run by JP Morgan) to suggest their decisions to end their lives were M-Modal related. JP Morgan is, uh, really BIG! Not to mention the fact they probably had personal lives as well. It's not always all about us.
No no noooo, I'm not suggesting at ALL it's MModal related - anon
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Of course I'm sure it wasn't ... my point being that there is trouble at the top. BIG trouble. To have *7* key corporate administrators commit suicide in just a couple of weeks means that something big might be about to go down at the top level, most companies don't have 7 top suicides in just 2 weeks unless the pressure drives them to do it.

I doubt any of them even knew who MModal "is", trust me, when we we're talking about JP Morgan, a small little speck of dust like MModal is the LEAST of their problems!
Hmmm - anon
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I read the article. I don't see that all 7 were employees of JP. Did I miss something? It seems as though they were from several different banking organizations. Banks run the country, at least that's my feeling. With executive positions, they have a LOT of pressure on them. Not what I would want. Sorry for their families loss.
2 weeks? - anon
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I did not see where it said that all died in the last 2 weeks. Rather, it seems that it has been over a period of time since last fall/winter.
Link to article - Anon
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Bankers - Suicides

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They were told they were not getting a raise this year and not getting their monthly bonuses either.

Bankers - ME2

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There has been an ongoing investigation into the currency trading and many of these guys were FX traders or heads of related departments. Some bloggers believe it may be related to currency manipulation . . . but it is okay for the Federal Reserve to manipulate currency, of course (tongue in cheek).

They can all jump, for all I care. Seriously, however, - s/m - Keypounder

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you do have to wonder why. They obviously make plenty of $$. Maybe their upper management is as abusive as MT management? Now THERE'S a question for the Ages.... why aren't there more MT suicides? So many of us have lost so much, some have lost everything, and depression runs rampant in this field. Points to ponder....

What a bunch of hateful people you are - anon

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To act like you're the best thing in the world and laugh at the death of others. I'm glad I dont work alongside you people. Shame on you.

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