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JP Morgan. - Nana

Posted: Nov 19, 2013

JP Morgan in big trouble, wonder how that's going to affect MModal. It's bound to. 

JP Morgan - COMT

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Don't believe the news; these companies have ways of hiding millions of dollars. It is the poor minions that get lied. It is just media fodder as well. MM probably isn't in trouble, since basically it is a company that is owned in India, despite what is said or printed elsewhere. I would bet the JPM only has a small interest in this outfit.

MM is in big trouble and needs to turn around. - They are in so much debt and restructuring.

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MModal is expected to generate negative free cash flow and isn't expected to make any material debt repayments, Moody's said in the report.
Since the company's 2012 leveraged buyout, MModal has been underperforming, Moody's said in the report, which estimated that the company would have revenue this year of about $415 million to $435 million, down from 2012 when it had $451 million.

Read more: MModal appears headed for a restructuring - The Deal Pipeline (SAMPLE CONTENT: NEED AN ID?) http://www.thedeal.com/content/restructuring/mmodal-appears-headed-for-a-restructuring.php#ixzz2l9cjpyih

Told ya this job was not a given anymore - sm

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Technology has made this field go away. You can look at it anyway you want or blame anyone you want, technology always wins and the company will go under. Not the first field to be replaced by technology and won't be the last.

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