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TSM lied - about benefit rate.

Posted: Jul 27, 2013

Always telling us we should log off every time we were away from the computer for more than 10 seconds.  I have been doing this since the last benefit rate period, and now my rate is lower than ever.  I should have known better than to trust her, as she is constantly babbling on an on about how ASR is "learning."  

Log out of both TW and Fluency - JustCurious

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Do you log out of both TW and Fluency when you take a break? If you do that, it should reflect your accurate hourly rate as the benefit rate is based on the time you're actually logged on to Fluency, not the hours you claim on TeamWork. I've done this and it seems to match up for me.

It's what's in Teamwork that matters, not Fluency. - sm

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I'm told we are supposed to log out of Fluency to take breaks, so the work can go to another MT instead of just sitting on our computer, but it's the time logged in and out of Teamwork that matters as far as our benefit rate is concerned. They average your lines over a six-month period divided by the time in Teamwork to figure the benefit rate.

So you don't clock off for breaks? - JustCurious

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Please forgive me if I'm misunderstanding, but you don't have to clock out on TeamWork when you take a break? It's always been my understanding that if I'm clocked in on TeamWork I must be logged on to Fluency and they should match.
When I go on break, I clock out and log off. That's - what I was told to do. nm
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The OOW "policy" is what gets me confused. - sm

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What happens to me is this - I get the NJA msg, then a few minutes later get a job, then NJA, waiting a few minutes, then get a job. So I'm clocking in and out a dozen times a day sometimes. I can't very well log off completely for the day. I have bills for Pete's sake, and you can't stay clocked in while you're waiting for a job or it will affect your benefit pay. Just another of the many reasons I can't stand this company.

not supposed to clock out for nja till you've waited 15 full min, - catch 22

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But we are told to punch out for every little break, even a 5 min potty break, but I sit and wait 8 or 10 minutes between jobs multiple times a day and was told to stay punched in until we hit a full 15 minutes between jobs. How is that fair?
I was told opposite - anon
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I was told to clock out for NJA, then clock back in when/if you get a job. Think is you can wait those 8-10 minutes between jobs and then come up short at the end of your shift to get 8 hours in; that is frustrating to me.
I was told by new TSM to clock out ASA NJA - on the chopping block
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too. I had always waited the 15 minutes clocked in before. This makes it a real mess to get 39 hrs/week if you get a job after 10 minutes and this happens frequently. I think from now on I will stay clocked in. It only shuts you down after 1t or 20 minutes so I never clock out for BR breaks or when I get my coffee.

no one knows for sure - has been discussed

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this has been discussed here dozens of times and you'll get dozens of different answers. Obviously, there's a flaw in a policy that can be interpreted so many ways.

OOW policy from HR - abouthadit

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About a month ago, I requested a clarification on the OOW policy, regarding punching out/not punching out when OOW, from Human Resources. The email I got from them, which was an attachment of the policy, stated "When the MT gets the message that there are no jobs available, they should IMMEDIATELY punch out of TeamWork while staying logged into Fluency. If, after 15 minutes, there is no work available, they should fill out a Remedy ticket and choose an option for work availability."

My TSM was telling us to stay punched in, which basically never gives you the option to make up the time later, if work is available. If you stay punched in, theoretically, you could have 8 hours punched in, but only have a few hours worth of work, if you wind up getting one job at a time, with a 10-14 minute wait time in between.

If you request a clarification from HR, because your TSM is requesting you handle it differently, they will send the same attachment of the policy to your TSM - without mentioning it was you who requested the information.
We were told to clock out immediately also - JustMe
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Our group was recently sent an email by our TSM verifying that we are to clock out of TeamWork immediately when NJA happens also.
Yes but they never clarified consecutive versus cumulative - Requested same thing
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I even forwarded HR the federal labor law that states if we are "engaged for work" meaning that time in between jobs before we are released after 15 minutes then we should be paid for that time. Period. The policy needs to read cumulative time not consecutive. After 15 minutes total we need to be released from work, not waiting until there is a 15 minute block all in a row. That is how the policy sort of reads now, but it is my opinion it is wrong. In fact, I have a call in to a labor lawyer because I think it is illegal for them to require us to sit 10 or 12 minutes at a time unpaid waiting for work until we can file a ticket and be released from work.

There is no real clarification to be had because HR does not know themselves. One day I sat over an hour unpaid at 8 minutes here and 10 minutes there between jobs. But yet I could not get released from my shift nor even file a work availability ticket because I did not have 15 minutes in a row. This policy stinks and needs to be changed.

Once ASR is learning, you will lose account - to the Philippines.

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Or India.

Agree 100% - sm

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I had a "main hospital in my group" go to India. I now see ASR learning the rest of the hospitals in that group and not my others..Sure thing they are out of here, as soon as the formatting is correct and most of the report is right, I will be in the no job status as well.

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