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Since when is "the patient" a heading?? - hate DQ7.1

Posted: Aug 08, 2012

This program is driving me nuts..how does it make headings in such stupid places???  the patient in red really??  And there is no rhyme or reason to when the program does it, so telling them what it is doing wont make a bit of difference..Other then to Stop making headings all together, it is soo much easier to create one then un-create one..

My favorite is "WHEN" - Drone

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I can't imagine too many situations in MT where "When" would be a heading, but I see it almost every day.

I think its just every 20 lines or so it puts a heading - needed or not

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Makes it look official!

I hate DQS 7.1 also.

I really like DQS7.1 - anon

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Other than some of the function keys being weird combinations that are much harder than in Cornerstone, like alt-Q for a blank and Alt-S to search, Alt-A to capitalize, I think it is a great program. Cornerstone had much easier key combinations for most functions, but I'm just creating my own shortcuts that make those functions as simple as I had them in Cornerstone.

Im getting there - sm

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never worked in conerstone, but I am getting closer to becoming more comfortable with 7.1. I had been keeping my client profile panel up, but decided to hide that too as of today and just hit F5 to bring it up when I need it.

I have found that makes me so much more comfortable, just only having the typing screen there. I dont like a lot of stuff on my screen. I had to redo one of my expansions because for some reason 7.1 doesn't wanna use it and I frequently misspell the word so am constantly having to spell check it.

I usally put all my frequent misspellings in expansions and before now seldom had to bother with spelling check popping up at end of report, but since starting 7.1 its coming up more, which takes up a bit of time. So having to readjust to new expansions has been a pain.

Other than that, I think Im gradually begining to adjust.

panels - anon

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I keep the panels there becuase I like a small typing screen. I think it is less work to have a smaller space to have to look at rather than having to move your eyes back and forth across a wider space. In Cornerstone, we could make the panels as wide or narrow as we wanted but still keep them there.
You can use your mouse in 7.1 to adjust panel size - if you want. Thats what I
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was doing with CP panel before I just decided to go ahead and keep it hidden and use F5.

I guess the one thing we can agree on is that the program caters to everyone in some way or another. I specifically like the report look-up feature and the google feature. Nice to highlight the word and do CTRL 1 and bring it right up in google without ever leaving the report then doing ALT C to close and go back to working when done. Its got its quirks.
Report look-up feature? Just started on DQS 7 -- - Kiki
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I don't remember that feature in the tutorial I did last week. Can you tell me how to do this? Sounds interesting. Might even make me change my mind about hating DQS 7. Thanks in Advance! :)
If you are in 7.1 - on the client profile panel at the
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bottom there are four tabs - Job search, headings, standards and client profile.

If you click on the "Job Search" tab at the top it will be two orange buttons, one to search by patient or one to search by physician.

If you click physician it will bring up a bunch of reports by that physician. If you click patient, it will bring all available reports up for that patient.

Works really fast too, reports come up right away. Lots eaier for referrence when you need to verify a med or something.
Those sound good! I'm in 7 not 7.1 and don't see - Kiki
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those buttons. Also, that google search with Ctrl 1 doesn't work. Those must be only in 7.1. I'll have to call tech support to see if I can get that upgrade.

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