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Salt in the wound ... - anon

Posted: Dec 24, 2014

During the switch to the POD setup I ended up submitting my holiday PTO requests at the tail end of the timeframe and by that time it was too late ... too many people ahead of me so my request was denied.  I wasn't asking for the EXACT holidays off - I was asking for the day AFTER thanksgiving and/or Christmas Eve off to spend with my family.  I've been OK with working the holiday so someone else can spend time with their family too.  But of course, my request was denied and while my family was spending time together on Thanksgiving I was working.  Needless to say, I have had NO holiday time with my family and since today and tomorrow are normal work days for me I don't expect to spend time with my family for Christmas either.

So to add salt to the wound, while some of us are working BOTH holidays while others have them BOTH off, we are now being requested to "put in extra time" to help with the increased back log through Christmas day, in anticipation of the big slow-down coming.  I'm having trouble fathoming the gumption it must take to ask someone who has worked BOTH holidays without even an hour off to eat holiday dinner with their family, to work "extra" to help keep the backlog down while other people spend time with their friends and families and get to enjoy the holiday. 

I HATE this company.  With every bone in my body, I hate this company.  Employees should only be approved for ONE - not BOTH - major holidays off, out of fairness to all employees.  Everyone should be expected to work ONE - not both - holidays. 

Those of you who have BOTH Thanksgiving and Christmas off, enjoy it.  The rest of us will be "working extra" to keep the backlog down while you enjoy your family.  I'm honestly really, truly pissed.  This will be the LAST TIME I get stuck working both holidays.  THE.  LAST.   TIME.  And as for the request to "work extra" because the backlog is so high?  You know where you can stick it.

They take our work and send it overseas while - sm

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we scrape for crumbs, take big pay losses, go through layoffs, etc., and then when the ILPs can't produce quality work & it all gets suddenly shifted back over here in an effort to try not to lose the accounts, we're expected to drop everything & rearrange our whole lives to bail them out, when only a short while ago they didn't care if we could put food on the table or not. I'm sorry, but I'm having trouble caring if they're in a bind after the way they do us in favor of the ILPs. And on top of that, now instead of incentives & asking nicely for extra help, apparently the new way is threats & demands coming from "higher up" it seems. Way to inspire loyalty and a teamwork spirit! If my best isn't good enough for them, there are still plenty of other jobs out there. I'm not going to ruin my personal life & worry myself sick over it anymore.

i put in for vaca 60 days in advance SM - Turkleton

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Not holiday but weekend after and was denied. I also worked all other holidays.

Our pod was told one or the other, not both. This - I think would just be common

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courtesy anyway for our fellow team members?

You would think ... but it's not, for some PODs - anon

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When our POD came together, it was the mixing of about 4 different books of business and hundreds of employees so pretty much anyone still within the 60-day timeframe, but who were at the tail end, were automatically denied their request. The circumstances didn't seem to matter ... the request was flatly denied because there were so many requests already submitted from all the other books of business.

It's honestly NOT fair to have to work BOTH holidays while so many get both of them off. Instead of flatly denying our requests, it would've made SO MUCH more sense to have everyone work one holiday, and have off the other.

My sister just called me to see if she could bring over some stocking stuffers for my kids this afternoon because she's leaving town and I had to tell her no because I'm working. So my kids won't have her gift for Christmas. It was the same thing on Thanksgiving ... I missed a big family dinner because I got stuck working and ate cold leftovers after everyone had gone home. It's really not fair and it makes me sick to my stomach.

It is sad really. So many of know this story well. - I hate knowing that looking back

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in a few years (even now), we realize just how much family time we've missed. People thing working from home is a great thing, but really, it just comes with a whole bunch of other stuff. I feel sad at home many times over the years I've had to say "not now I'm still working." These are memories the kids will have.
Holiday denied - Mountainwoman
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We were always told we could take one or the other, but not both, but apparently that's not true.

It all depends on your manager. One year, we got an e-mail in SEPTEMBER, stating that all holidays were filled and no more requests would be accepted. How can that be fair? I can't believe all of the people who didn't follow the rules got the time off, but the "good kids" were denied. The next year, I put a reminder on my phone and in my e-mail calendar to remind me when it was the exact time, and I requested it at 12:01 a.m.

It's a shame to have to do something like that, and I'm sorry you have to work. The only reason I got off was because I only requested a half day, and I had already worked Thanksgiving.

I would have not denied my sister the right to come over and drop off gifts - no matter what

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what if she has an accident and you never see her again?? Do you REALLY think this job is worth that much? Trust me they are not going to say much if you clock out for 5 minutes for your sister to knock on your door, give a quick hug and send her on her way. Stop with the pity party and grow a pair.
I almost posted this exact same thing, could not - agree more.
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I think it is ridiculous that someone would tell their sister that they could not drop by to drop something off. Seriously? I rarely have interruptions but if someone stops by my house, I clock out and take a break. No one seems to ever care if I work beyond my schedule as long as my hours are in. No need to act like a martyr.

Dont wait so long next time - I work every holiday love holiday pay

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I'm here Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. and it doesn't bother me one bit. Why the heck did you wait so long to ask off????

Salt in the wound ...-anon - Midnite Rider

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The first of every year, the account manager for my company sends an email, listing all the available holidays, and we must select 3 of those holidays that we are going to work (one being either Christmas or Thanksgiving), and we alternate Thanksgiving and Christmas. So this year, I worked Thanksgiving and had Christmas off. Next year, I have to volunteer to work Christmas and will get Thanksgiving off, and so on as the years go by. Works great!! Everybody participates!

Thats good and thats the way it should be done, instead of - just saying...sm

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If the holiday falls on your work day, you must work it. It should be alternated. So people are not getting stuck working Thanksgiving and Christmas every year.

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