Out of patience, no motivation. - dnr
Posted: May 24, 2015
Dictating with your kid crying right behind you?? Really?? Started the shift off getting an account out of my usual BOB, and the HPI for every single one had to be totally retyped. I don't have any more patience for the doctors who sit their breathing or thumbing through the chart or searching the electronic record without putting the dictation on hold. I find moving the audio to a place where there is dictation really helps my lph. Only "advantage" of ASR. Of course, I only go as far as I would bet my income on.
As far as motivation, I could barely be more demotivated. The only step down in motivation would be to not show up for my shift. LOL. After the last "quality alert", there is nothing left, totally demotivated. Gee, on the perfect list and "flunk" a report the same day - 2 minor "errors". Adding insult to injury, the other report with 1 little minor error sent to me had the same "minor errors" marked as no points off in the other report. They have now spent any motivation I might have had for this job.
So agree with you - about motivation
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It used to take me 20 to 30 minutes after my shift started to even start working on the first job. Now its more like 45 minutes, so the first hour of my shift is pretty much gone. I know this is costing me money, but I just don't know how to brace myself to get any more work done. The first day of my work week sometimes starts in tears. My motivation has never been this low in my life. The only way I keep up with my line count is to work like crazy the last couple of hours of my shift just to stay afloat. I don't know what else to do to motivate myself. I cut back my expenses so I make just enough. No motivation for anything more than that. Sad way to live.
Wow that's me to a T - sm
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I barely work all day long and at the end I finally settle in and produce..Thought I was going a bit insane. Wish I knew how to overcome it, but I don't. Maybe drop down to P/T, I think I could get the same amt of work at 25 hours as 40.
You are not alone! - Pooped
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Really low production this morning for the same reason! Now I am going to have to bust my butt and play catch up all week!
Why bother? Minimum wage job now. They don't care, - neither do I!
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Minimum wage? - Cindy
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Ha! Some days I barely make $5 an hour, especially when it's bad audio guy eating celery while his kid is crying in the background, the dog is barking, and the mariachi band next door is rehearsing.
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