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Congrats - anon

Posted: Jul 26, 2013

I have been with the company for 20 years and never received any "special" recognition or spot award, or won any of the contests.

Kudo's to those that do.

Guess I should feel "honored/lucky" to have a job.  That will be my reward.

i received a spot award last month - Happy with M Modal

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but not the $500! didn't even know there was a drawing for $500

I received a spot award last November. - For getting 100% audits.

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It was great and received the $250.00 check just before Christmas. Everyone in the CHS group who would get 100% audits had their name put in a drawing and then on a certain date, the names were drawn who won the $250.00.

I sent mine back - Not as happy as you

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The nearest Walmart is over an hour away. I would have spent more in gas than I had to spend on my little card. I wished they would have just added it to my paycheck instead.

They sent me a prepaid card - Discover I believe

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No offense but that's kinda mean. No wonder they hate us US mts. They give you a reward and you send it back. Wow.
What is your suggestion? - Offense taken
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I was being charged income and taxes on a prize that I had no intention of using. Would it have been better for me to throw it away and say nothing? I only wish they had sent me a Visa or Discover card that I could have used, at least I could have gotten a couple gallons of gas.

And by the way, they hate US MTs because we won't work for the wages they pay the ILP and we have these pesky labor laws that require things such as minimum wage and 40 hour work week.

spot award - jen

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Yea I received a spot award last month and now I'm laid off.

Jen, I sent you an email. - Maverick

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email - Jen
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I never received it.

spot award - anon

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I received one recently; honestly $13 on a Discover card you can use at limited places and you get taxed for it. More pain than anything. It was tempting to try to refuse it, but I try to keep under radar here and just get the work done in my shift.

They upped it from $10 to $13 because people complained about the $3 in taxes. - That is why.

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Shesh. At our wages, even $3 more taxes is taxing.

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