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Comfort - sick and tired

Posted: Mar 15, 2010

After sitting for years in a chair from Sam's with no padding left with a pillow under my you-know-what and a pillow behind my back, I splurged on a Sealy Posturepedic chair.  Maybe it will be like laying in bed all day instead of typing?  It surely is the little things that please us these days ~~~~ Now hopefully will keep my job long enough to pay for it. . . . .

please tell me how comfortable it is at the end of the day - no padding left in my chair either.

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My neck, back, and legs are so sore every day!

Sorry, I have one and still have pillows under my "you know what."... - I do not like it....200 hundred bills wasted!!..nm

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Pillows - sick and tired

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Think I might should have asked BEFORE I bought it (kept the tags on it in case I hate it). Am noticing that I have to sit up really straight to get any benefit from the shoulder and lumbar support. I think my posture is too screwed by transcribing for so many years. Maybe we could design a clam-shell-looking comfortable supportive chair just for transcriptionists! Nope, since there will be no transcriptionists in a few years (and they have no money), we would not have a client base. Dang it.

I have had probably 5 different brands and still cannot find anything comfortable....thought the Sea - Its a real BUMMER......Tli

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oops - thought the Sealy was the one..... - Tli.....nm
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I think finding a good man is easier than finding a good chair....LOL.. - Tli....nm

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