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big bucks - loving MTing

Posted: Nov 03, 2009

This profession is awesome.  You can make big bucks.  Not unheard of to start out making about $14/hour.  If you work hard and really plug away at it, you may be making twice that in a few years.  :<{


that's a seriously vague comment. You know it depends on many things. - which I will list here for you.

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includes status, company, platform, type of dictation, individual, dictator types, how many dictators, macros, normals, training, line count software ....

Uh huh. Yeah, RIGHT. You can't possibly - be talking about MTing.

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I think you're just trying to get people all riled up. NM - areulooking4trouble?

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Thanks for the laugh n/m - gourdpainter

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If any newbies are reading this, - yes, tongue is firmly in cheek. NM

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Oops, I think you mean *half* rather than *twice*. - LOL

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Sad thing is, it used to be like that. - GardenMom

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When we used to get steady accounts where we could use macros, not have to struggle to find the patient information, not have account specifics different for each account, get paid for headers and footers so that you could devote your time to typing and not run out of work regularly.



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