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better than plasma donation - if you are young

Posted: Mar 14, 2013

If you are still a relatively young woman, look into the possibility of egg donation.  Seriously.  It pays well.  They have rather high standards for candidates though, but that's a good thing in a way.

egg donation - cr

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I'm not young, so it wouldn't apply to me, but I'm curious - is it a painful procedure? It seems like it would be.

done vaginally - and patient is sedated

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wouldn't think it would be just too bad.

done vaginally... - cr

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I'm assuming they have to dilate the cervix to get up into the ostial opening of the tube, which hurts like hell, but I don't know if that's what they do.
Link to You tube of the procedure being done - looks like the patient is out
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I'm 53, so guess that leave me out :-)

However, even though she's out looking at those huge long needles (or tubes or whatever) the length of a baseball bat think I'd pass if it could be done.

If you're interested here is the video of it being done.


My sister-in-law did it and got paid $10,000.00 - nm

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dang! - Snow Bunny (the original)

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What a great way to pay for your child's education.

"Hey mom ... tuition's gone up. Can you schedule an appointment?"

My eggs are powdered or else I would - do this in a heart beat

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Seriously, a couple of years ago I was scary broke and had been sued for foreclosure. I was too old to do this, and I was bummed.

Considered extremely briefly, wouldn't do. That'd - be my child abandoned to strangers.

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That I didn't carry to term wouldn't erase my responsibility for my child.

Yea, me too. - sm

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My daughter is my TWIN. I swear this child looks identical to me, she doesn't even look like she shares any of my husband's DNA. We joke that her DNA is 100% from me. I know if I donated an egg and I saw the child one day, by chance, I would KNOW that is my child. I wouldn't want that.

No egg donating for me - See Msg

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Not in a heartbeat would I donate an egg. I would be wondering my whole life if he or she was well taken care of. I think it's kind of gross, actually, the thought of donating a child, because that's what it ends up being.
Lets just - say that
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science is lost on you naysayers. It is always about you and you only. Your mind is unable to comprehend situation of ones not able to reproduce.
I know... - gotta kinda wonder...
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how much regret one has over the eggs that get flushed or otherwise thrown away. It seems to me that anyone who would go to all the expense and trouble of using donor eggs would be pretty motivated to be a parent.
I'm with the above who couldn't do it. And flushed or otherwise discarded eggs are - just ''potential''...
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not actual children.

I think it's cool for anybody who has no problems with it, I just *personally* couldn't. Motivated (and non-abusive) parents or not, they might raise my DNA to be racist or Republican or what-not, LOL.

Like I said, it's just a personal thing. My mom actually asked me to be a surrogate for her, and I on the fly said yes, partly because she was ill at the time and I didn't want to hurt her, but she passed before it ever came close to a reality. I guess it would have been my egg and her husband's sperm (he was her third husband and not my father). I've thought how lucky I was to have dodged that bullet, knowing how she raised me, especially. It would have driven me crazy to watch her child-rearing "my" kid.
egg donation - NoEggos
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If people can't make kids on their own, maybe that is a sign they should not have them. The US is over populated, schools are pretty bad places for kids these days and the cost of raising them is very expensive, beyond what most can afford. Just sayin.....
No, it is about the child - see msg
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It's about the child, not me.

In no way on this earth am I donating anything that will be a child to someone else.

It's a different thing to be 15, make a big mistake by getting pregnant, but then to do the right thing and adopt the kid out to be raised by a mother and father in a hopefully stable environment.

But to knowingly give an egg out is just plain wrong.

The wonderful marvel of science was not around in the olden days. And I do indeed see throwing out eggs as having an abortion, which I am against.

If you truly care about kids, then adopt a baby in need. I think it's selfish when one thinks their OWN egg is the only thing that will do. As if a baby who needs love isn't a good enough for you? It has to be YOUR egg? Who was talking about "it's all about me?" Hmmm?

You people who don't want to help a baby in need are the selfish ones.
You are getting rid of eggs each and every month you live - P
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as a female when you have your period, the egg or eggs are discarded then. If I were younger I probably would see no issue at all in contributing perhaps to a person who could not conveive. It would be different if you stored your egg or eggs like forever but just does not happen with your periods. Eggs are sloughed off every month.
I'm the OP on this subthread, and I'm a liberal - and science is far from
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lost on me. I didn't say I wouldn't donate an egg to someone I knew and trusted to be a good parent, which would also give another life to another person who wouldn't otherwise be born.

I just said I wouldn't sell one to a stranger.

Kinda different. Would you really feel no responsibility for the welfare of a baby who started with you then disappeared into the world?
an egg isnt a baby - sm
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and if it is, you kill a baby every month through your menstruating years. But, if you want to think of an egg as a baby, then you must be a murderer.

I see it as giving someone a gift - nm

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Absolutely - sm

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I struggled with infertility and ended up going through shots to have my little one. My eggs are healthy - my ovaries just don't like to let go of them.

I am just sad that I didn't learn of egg donation before I no longer met the criteria :( I would have loved to have been able to help a family dealing with the same heartache as I went through.

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