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While drawing UE and you refuse a job (sm) - Yochana

Posted: Sep 24, 2010

....maybe the pay was too low, etc, etc.  If you answer the weekly question on UE - did you refuse work this week and you answer yes, what can they do?  Lower your UE, stop it altogether? 

I'm really not sure... - no1joe

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I've been on unemployment too *sigh*. I think that if you "refuse to work," that means you have to have a job and refuse to do it. I would answer no unless you accepted a job and did not show up for it for whatever reason. I can't recall offhand, but when I file, I think the question is worded "did you refuse to work or an offer for work?". I actually had to speak to someone from unemployment at one point, told them about an interview I went on and the HORRIBLY low pay they were offering, explained that I couldn't afford to work for that much, and it didn't change my unemployment one bit. IDK if that helps. Worst case, if you're filing online, click the yes button and then see what questions pop up and if they pertain to your situation. You can always go back and change it if needed. Good luck!

Why answer yes? Just answer no until you are offered a job? - lka

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Unemmployment in Maine - RLee

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I am currently collecting unemployment. I file my weekly claim via the Internet every week. I also have the option of filing on the phone or by using a weekly claim form sent to me. On the weekly claim form via the Internet and the one sent by mail one of the questions asked is "During the week, did you refuse an offer of work, or refuse a referral to work, or miss any work that was scheduled for you? If YES, explain in Remarks section on the side of this form." I presume by fling on the Internet if you checked yes it would bring you to a window to explain as well. I think the reasoning for the refusal for work would be the determnation of any decision by them. If it were me I would just answer no so as not to open a can of worms, as that may result in a fact-finding interview and may result in a brief interrupton of your benefits. With that said - if the rate of pay offered was ridiculously low it may not have any bearing. Just my thoughts.

The point of UE - sucking the system

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is to tide you over until you find a job. If you find a job and refuse it, yes, they can stop your UE. That's the whole point of it. Not that it should be a career but that it should help you until you find a job.

Sucking the system - RLee

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We all know that the point of unemployment is not a career or a lifestyle, but being on unemployment unfortunately YOU do have the right to refuse a job offer under different circumstances such as LOW pay. You should not be so judgemental!!!!

Are you kidding? THe system has been sucking me so long I - feel like a dried out old raisin. nm

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To sucking the system: Get a life. (sm) - Yochana

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Honey, I have worked all my life and it is not my fault nor the MTSOs that my job was sent to India. I AM looking for a job, but I have wireless internet ONLY and so many of the GOOD MTSOs will NOT accept wireless. I CANNOT work for less than 8 cpl (employee). I am an HONEST person and did not want to LIE to UE, but cannot jeopardize my UE until I find a good job unless YOU are willing to pay my bills?????

PS - Many thanks to all the kind, informative answers. :-) - Yochana

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It's always someone else's fault when you lie or - are dishonest. LOL

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Get a life. Get some integrity. Get some honesty in your life.

Yeah... that's what people do - no1joe

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we suck all that really great-paying unemployment dry and then just hope that we can get on the welfare. What planet are you on? And, no, you DON'T have to accept any job. You DON'T have to work fast food or get a job at Wal-Mart for minimum wage so as not to suck the system. If that was the case, the DOL wouldn't provide career retraining for those who need it, would they? They would just refer everyone on unemployment to the local McDonald's. And you don't have to accept a job that, after paying for travel expenses, etc., would actually cost you money to perform. I've gotten offers like that, told unemployment about them, and it didn't stop me from "sucking the system."

Reality check... if you're an MT and work for an MTSO or even a hospital, chances are that you'll be doing time on the unemployment line too... most likely sooner than later. Make sure YOU don't suck the system and try being a little more compassionate to those who have gotten there before you. None of us asked for the sorry state our profession has gotten to.

Amen! I agree! Just what we need - people lying - to get more of my tax dollars.

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STS is right about the reason for UE.

Just in case you're inclined to lie, which it certainly seems you are considering: They get a weekly wage report at the Employment Office that shows taxes paid on all SSNs.

So, go ahead. Lie. It's a felony. LOL

Your post is obnoxious and not worth reading. - no1joe

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The OP is on here frequently (probably during her job searching), and her opinion is respected by many regulars on here. Calling her a liar is uncalled for and completely out of line, and your "LOL" at the end is really obnoxious. She didn't say she was actually working BTW. She was wondering about declining a job based on a low pay offer.

I'm on unemployment too. So, thank you for your tax dollars. They taste good (I can be obnoxious too - so the original poster doesn't have to). Have a good day.
Tastes better to go to the local Brazilian steakhouse because I want to. - LOL
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I am the original poster, and believe me, I am looking (sm) - Yochana
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I don't have a job yet, and like I said, having wireless is a real hinderance. I even tried to get a job at several call centers, but they only accept DSL or cable. I really MISS working, I loved my job. I love transcription work and I am SO sorry for the mess it is in. But you see, I HAVE to work at home...that's why I am not at Mickey D's. I am helping take care of my blind Daddy. This is the first time I have ever been on UE. By the way, I am from Louisiana....so do you think all the ones who lost their jobs through the stupidity of BP are sucking the system dry? Thanks to the ones who stuck up for me. Love you guys.
Look, all the banter aside ... - sm
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I know the struggle of being unemployed. I have been there. I had 2 children to support alone - my income was all there was. I've lost everything before.

The point is that lying is never appropriate or acceptable. Maintaining one's integrity by being honest is one way that you maintain some control of what few things you can control.

Like the OP said above: There is a purpose for UE. Generally, each state has a % of your weekly benefit that you can earn and still keep your benefits. The exception is if you take a full-time job, in which case no matter what you earn (or don't) your claim is closed.

So, see I'm not all the hate you and Joe thinks I am but I AM rightfully angry over anyone lying for benefits, money, etc. I don't do it and I don't expect anyone else to do it.

Good luck on your job search.

I believe you can decline a job (sm) - Long time MT
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At least in some states if the pay that is offered is 20% less than you were making, you can decline the job w/o it affecting your unemployment.
I use wireless too, I just would not tell them I had - sm -
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wireless, just tell them DSL since it is comparable though slightly slower. Where I work now they told me it would not work with a wireless aircard (what I use) and it works just fine. I started out on dialup then switched to the aircard as I cannot get satellite here either (too many trees), and cable, boonieville so no cable here, maybe in about 20 years, LOL. I know if I start job hunting (a distinct possibility in the near future) I am not going to say I use a wireless aircard and leave it at just DSL. So stop limiting yourself, as long as it is accessed through the internet what does it matter. You will still be pretty fast, not as fast but darn close and they will never know especially since DSL and cable can be slow themselves. Good luck.
Unemployment Isn't Welfare - earlymusicus
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Those of us on unemployment are NOT "sucking the system." Unemployment is not welfare, it's INSURANCE which we workers paid into by working. In other words, we earned it. I worked continuously for 35 years before having to go on unemployment and I really resent people thinking I'm just sitting back, living the good life on their dime. I was grossing almost $700 a week when I was working; on unemployment, my gross was $291; don't you think I'd far rather be working? I'm tired of people on the right saying we're lazy, we don't want to work, we're spoiled, etc. I only hope that people who say that end up on unemployment themselves; and I hope people are nicer to them than they were to the unemployed. When you criticize anyone who is unemployed, just remember: you are not immune from unemployment yourself.
Have you really read the posts? - sm
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None of us said that UE was for lazy people.

The issue is whether someone has the right to LIE about finding other work so they can still draw UE until they make what they want to. Also whether they should refuse jobs and stay on UE when what is offered is not what they want.

I agree! I know what UE is for! Thank goodness it is there to help but it is only a help - not a total support and if you make ANY money while drawing UE it must be reported.

Accepting UE funds under the premise of a lie is a felony. THERE IS A REASON FOR THIS! IT IS A CRIME!

So, I/we are not upset about people drawing UE when they lose their job! I encourage you to file immediately if you lose your job! But for goodness sakes, be honest! Tell the truth! Report your earnings!

UE and Job Offers - earlymusicus

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In MI, the question is "Did you quit any work, fail to accept any job offer, or get fired from a job?"

I take offense - exwebmx

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I really take offense at the people accusing others of sucking the system dry. I was laid off by WM on 09/01/2010. It is now 09/25 and as of this date still have not received UE because of the way my state operates. First a wait week, then when approved they have to issue a state-issued debit card, which takes another week and then hopefully will start getting it. Then the wait week is paid only if you file 2 more consecutive weeks after the wait week, what a mess, no wonder the system is dry, they have too many idiots at the helm. As far as sucking it dry, I have worked for 42 years and have never drawn any kind of state or federal benefits, i.e., food stamps, medicaid, UE and believe me I have paid my share into supporting all of these and how dare anyone now claim that I may be sucking the system dry because I cannot find work comparable to what I had. I am going back to work this coming week but at a much lower income than I had previously but still more than UE so it is in my best interest to go back to work, in the meantime have had no income at all for a month and finally received notice I would get an UE check in the next week. Believe me I have more than paid for that little check I will receive after working for 42 years. My UE benefits will not even be one fourth of what I was earning. Get a life and do not assume we all just want to get UE, believe me I would much rather have not been part of the reduction in force.

tax dollars - sm

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"the system" is financed by working' folks whose earnings are taken from them.

margaret thatcher hit the nail on the head when she remarked that "the trouble with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money?"


i'd HATE to find myself in the position of considering trotting down to the UE office, filling out the forms, turning in reports--and i know how to look for a job. i don't have a right to the money that was taken from (vs. given by) my fellows.

i dunno. maybe take the low-paying job and continue to look..? the citizens who are paying your way need their money, too, y'know.

like me.

if you turned up hungry at my door, you'd be welcomed and fed. i'd give you what i could.


without the gov'ment stealing the food and whatever else i'd offer.

So with that logic.... - no1joe

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you won't accept social security when you're a senior citizen? How about if you wanted to go back to school and were eligible for a state/federal grant? You wouldn't accept it? Give me a break. If you think that UE provides some sort of easy comfy lifestyle that encourages people to just sit around, not work, and eat bon-bons all day, you're so wrong. And, like I said above, if you're an MT and working for an MTSO or hospital, you'll wind up on unemployment too. Good luck.

Tax dollars - Anonymous

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Knowing how to look for a job doesn't do anyone any good if no one is hiring. Do you have an unlimited source of income and/or guaranteed employment so that you'll never find yourself in this situation? We are not talking about people living on welfare for the rest of their lives, we're talking about people who have worked and paid into the system for years and find themselves w/o jobs through no fault of their own. It is possible to work at a lower paying job and still draw benefits at a reduced rate, it's also possible to attend school and draw UE. I don't know if it's possible to flat out refuse to take a lower paying job, though. I hope you never have to stoop so low as having to trot down to the UE office and fill out those forms but it can happen to the best of us.

Qualifying for UE benefits--see msg - Unemployed MT

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Quoting from the Handbook for Claimants:
"You must have been paid gross wages of $xxxx.00 or more in your base period with at least $xxx.00 in each of two quarters of your base period. (this amount may change each year, based on any percentage change in the Consumer Price Index)." To be eligible for benefits, you must have worked for an employer who is required to pay Unemployment Insurance Tax (insured employer)." "EMPLOYERS PAY THE FULL COST OF THESE BENEFITS THROUGH PAYROLL TAXES. WORKERS DO NOT PAY ANY PART OF THE COST." (All CAPS is their emphasis). I don't know why so many people have trouble understanding this. If I collect UE, it is because I worked for an employer that was required to pay into the system; it is not coming out of any other MT's paycheck, or any other non-MT's paycheck.

Worked all my life and paid into the system - RLee

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I started working a week after I graduated from high school in 1976. I then went into the MT field in 1988 and worked as an MT until I lost my job from Transcend through no fault of my own - which was determined by the unemployment office. I collected unemployment once in my life up until this point and that was for only 3 WEEKS. I paid into the system. I was one of those working folks for many years. With that said - over the years many folks have gotten unemployment and tapped into the system and used MY money. Now that it is my turn - hey - I worked all these years and never used what I paid into the system, but others benefited from it - so I do not feel guilty whatsoever, although I would rather be WORKING!!!! And thanks to Obama I get an extra $25 check every week, which is a stipend. I am just getting back what I paid into the system for many many years in a time that I NEED it.

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