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The self righteous MTs who refuse to work for less - MTME

Posted: Jan 19, 2010

someone will take it - beats 0.00

Posted: Jan 17th, 2010 - 2:17 am In Reply to: Just saw a new ad ... .07 cpl, without spaces, IC, no benefits and want (sm) - Just sayin ....

Why shouldn't they bid low? There is always someone who will work for a few bits less than the self-righteous I'm-too-good-for-thatters. 


Bringing this up from below, because I don't understand it.  In this post, the poster mentioned the self righteous I'm too good for thatters that won't work for less than they are worth.  What does self righteous have to do with anything? I would like to understand that statement, because I think it personifies some of what goes on in our profession and why we are talked into, or shamed into, working for so little.

What do you think?

It is de-valuing yourself as a professional like this that lets companies dictate.....sm - Cyndiee

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There absurdly low pay rates to us!!! I have been an MT since 1982, at home, in hospital, in clinic you name it. I not only have an associates and LPN, but I LOVE this industry. But jobs offering 07. cpl or such is LUDICROUS, because my first at-home job with a national as a NEWBIE (at least at home, I had worked in-house) was 6.5cpl, statutory employee and then IC, and that was in 1995!!

Since then I have worked very, very hard, earned years of experience in all phases of medicine, have gone through several PCs, have bought thousands in reference books (we did not google in the old days, and we STILL need good reference books), the list goes on an on. Now in other professions, people regularly get raises, promotions, etc, which makes them WANT to stay in the profession, WANT to be a better worker, WANT TO BE more knowledgeable, etc. A few years ago I was between jobs, I tested for a well-known national company, they called to tell me "you got a perfect score on the test and we would love to have you." I asked how much? They proudly said "up to 6cpl"!!!!! Are you kidding?

Now I do not feel that I am a rocket scientist or mathematician or something, but I do know I am a great, hard working, knowledgeable MT, and if we MTs keep taking jobs at Bargain Basement prices, our job field will continue to be de-valued, we will be "medical typiests" forever, and I do not know about you, but in this economy, I am putting in 12 hour days as an IC, and I have been with a company who pays 9cents for a GROSS LINE, which is the equivalent of 13 or 14 cpl on a standard 65-character line. And why? Because my bosses actually care, and they want the best, and they know if they are going to demand knowledge, experience, integrity, and hard work, they have to reward their MTS with a good living wage insted of crumbs. We in this business are our own worst ENEMY when we say, "well, I will sell myself cheap because it is better than nothing!!!!" Please, MTs, do not further downgrade the MT profession further by putting up with this CRAP, because we will be chained as basically slaves forever!!! And think about the New MTs who are coming on board, THEY deserve us to pave the way.

NOT STUCK UP, JUST EXPERIENCED, HARDWORKING, AND DEMANDING WHAT I AM WORTH! Which any other profession does! Sorry this was so long!

I have been here since the 70s and my take on this is - a bit different

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I have made the really big dollars from years past and did not work with a company until the mid 2000s, always inhouse. We have talked about this before on another board here but my take on this is if we are paid low wages, then you do not have to come home with the $10.00 an hour salary. You and you alone can make that 8 cents a line or even the 4 cpl turn out to be much more. I would be willing to state that my salary can compare to anyone's who is make 13 or 14 cents a line and I DO NOT work more than 8 hours a day. What I donĂ¢€™t understand is more than a person griping about what they make in this field is why do you stay if you donĂ¢€™t make enough? Wnen outsourced from my inhouse job and knowing my salary would be less starting out, I just programmed myself to make what I wanted and every day I work that is what I strive to do.

Very respectfully, this really is not the issue.....sm - Cyndiee

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What you are saying, I believe, is that if we work our fingers to the bone, ignore family or anything else in our lives, that THEN we can make a good Production pay for more lines. I get that. All employed persons should work hard for their jobs, they should have standards, be reliable, EARN THEIR PAY, etc. That is NOT the issue. Every other field has gotten pay raises, even at fast food restaurants, gas stations, and such. What I am saying is, are you paying the same price for groceries, mortgages, gasoline, heating, utilities, clothing, etc, as you were back in the 80s or 90s???? Or even a few years ago? I totally agree that no one has the right enter the field and immediately be offered 13 or 14cpl, it has taken me years and years of working hard to get that; but in THE REAL WORLD, if someone is extremely experienced, hardworking, great resume, and dedicated to their career, why should we have to take low wages, working like an assembly line, harder and faster, to make the same wage as we did decades ago? I do not see how that makes sense to you, or where is the equity and fairness of all that???
Very nice post Cyndiee! - anon
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There are many more factors at play here - like the accounts you have

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I used to be a high producer and thought like you too, when I lost a good account it has been a real eye opener. I have been assigned some very crappy accounts lately, and even if I kill myself trying to produce on them, its simply not going to happen. Terrible dictators, demos consistently "forgotten" that must be looked up, huge amounts of normals that I don't get paid for, having to bold and unbold titles, there are so many factors that slow me down and set me up to fail. Suddenly my paycheck is cut in half and I cannot regain what I have lost - until I get either a different job or a decent account again.
That is so wrong! Less $$ for more, harder work???...nm - Cyndiee
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Well said! - this profession is unique

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There is very little motivation to remain in a profession that pays less every year when every other pays for and respects experience and knowledge.

And I am not just thinking of myself, what about future MTs.....sm - Cyndiee

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What is the impetus, the draw, if going into a profession, working hard, becoming an excellnt medical language specialist (that is what we really are), putting in so much time, effort, years of experience, to see that MT wages have not really changed in almost two decades in most companies??? Now, I am not saying a newbie should expect top rate, we all have to put in time and get great experience in this job. But at least there should be a "ladder" to shoot for and also compensation for the amount of time, experience, training, etc., that you have. Having been here to long, I can do any type of acute care, including Pathology, Psychiatry, Radiology, as well as every other specialty, including doing autopsy reports. Can do any work type. Have done every ESL in the book and actually, with the exception of a few, excel at it. I do not call in sick unless I am truly unable to get to that computer and at least type, I have taken continuing education classes from the AAMT when they were still in full swing, heck I started when IBM Selectrics was high technology!

We will never, ever get the respect and treatment we deserve, as well as mentoring others in this field, unless we advocate for ourselves and EACH OTHER, and of courese keep up our end by working hard, gaining in experience, keeping QA standards, etc.

In-hospital, at least in my state, girls are being paid well over $20 an hour WITH FULL BENEFITS for full time. If we are doing the same job at home with our OWN computers, books, electicity, cable or equivalent high-speed internet, saving the MTSOs money by doing so, and especially if they are not paying any taxes, benefits, or perks if we are all becoming ICs, yes, we have a right to demand better wages and then EARN them. But the line rate has to be there or you are beating a dead horse and you are actually working for LESS with the economy than you did 10 or 15 years ago. Sound fair? or smart?
Then why donĂ¢€™t you just quit? Do something else, my goodness - Since the 70s
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I could care less about respect from someone I have never met. I do not work my fingers to the bones, by the way. I think the OP said they work 12 hours a day, I work 8 per day only. If I was as miserable as most sound on these boards, I would be searching to do something else. A person is responsible for their own happiness and seems like most just want to wallow in their misery here. I make more than twenty (20.00) per hour and do not have to break a sweat to do it. I stand up for myself, not this person or the next doing this type work. Slavery was supposed to be over years ago. If you let yourself fit this category, then that is on you.
I posted BECAUSE I love this career, and other MTs, also....sm - Cyndiee
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Wow, you got yours so **** with the industry and other MTs??? That is not my thinking. I love my job, and I have worked to get the wages I get, and they just happen to be the same or more than your, and I no longer work 12 hours usually, but I will happily for my boss, because they are GREAT TO ME AND RESPECT WHAT i DO FOR THEM AND THIER HOSPITAL ACCOUNTS! You are just one MT; I choose to care what I make, sure, I have a family and obligations, but I CHOOSE TO CARE also for my fellow MTs, future MTs, etc, we are all in this together in this industry, if you think you are an island and untouchable, you are sadly wrong. It is BECAUSE I love MT that I want to see good, experienced, dedicated MTs be able to make a good living wage, or no one will be able to afford to stay in MT. It has been the same story for all labor throughout this country. Very caring of you.

*** Leave out the language. Moderator ***
No sense in cursing, you can talk civil, right - since the 70s
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There is not one MT on here who does anything for you or me. We all work just for us. My respect comes from my company just sending my check on time and not bothering me with constant emails, etc. I do not have to have you or my company patting me on the back for doing a good job. I am grown and if I need reassurance (which I usually donĂ¢€™t) then I would find that in my family, not in a job where I would not know you on sight. I basically care for the ones I love. Have never seen such a place where everyone wants to be respected and cared for. Sounds like you are missing something in your own private life that you have to expect that from someone out there is cyberspace.
Okay, there is a disconnect between a satisfying personal life, which....sm - Cyndiee
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Which I, thank the Lord, do have, been married 30 years, same great guy, have three beautiful kids, have a great home in a great community. So bully for me. What I am talking about is not a "pat on the back", I am talking about a woman who needs, like a man, to work hard and supply needs for their family, has put in their time, has spent lots of money on continuinng education, has taken a lot of "dog" jobs and been kicked around, and I have stayed just because I DO find job satisfaction being an MT, and my bosses DO reward me. Can't you see that not all MTs have it the same? Just like "men," we have a personal life, which can be rich and satisfying and wonderful, but that DOES NOT PAY THE BILLS, PUT FOOD ON THE TABLE, PAY THE INSURANCE, PAY THE UTILITIES, BUY CLOTHING FOR GROWING CHILDREN, ETC? You do not think we should we well-compensated for sticking with the same career for 25+ years, getting training, getting schooling, spending $$$$$ on our own equipment and references? Show me another profession where it is "okay" to be treated like that???? I am not going to take the bait. I have a lovely home life, thank you very much, it is just that SOME of us can see beyond our own little word, pass the end of our noses, and see what is being done to the industry and to our FELLOW MTS, whom I love and respect! Is that so weird to you???? Not a humanitarian? Do you not want someone on your side when things are going wrong??????? (shaking head). No wonder we are treated as chattel.
Here is my reward, my so called pat on the back - Since the 70s
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Just got my salary for the next pay period, for a little more than 59 hours am making less 5 dollars two thousand (2000) for the pay period. This is wayyyy enough respect for me.
Two sides and the truth is probably in the middle. - Fingers
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Who is to say what is a fair wage in this industry? Let's just say we are talking about straight typing, okay. Take 2 MTs, both making 9 cpl. One of them will transcribe the required 1,200 lines per day, giving her a total annual income of around $28,080. The other will do 2,000 lines per day, giving her a total annual income of around $46,800. Is that income (rate per line) unfair to the MT doing 1,200 lines a day? I am in the latter category. I only work 8 hours a day, sometimes more, and a few times doing OT. This would give me an income between $47,000 and $50,000. I do not have a college degree and I am not certified, but I have been at this for decades and consider myself an above average MT. Where am I going to get a job making that kind of money? I personally would not settle for an income based on 1,200 lines per day at any rate and never have. I have the experience to make that possible and the fact that I have a good account certainly helps. At 13 cpl I would be making $67,800 per year!! That is a little unrealistic at this point in the industry and we cannot change that. Those wages are not going to come back. And quite honestly, when you speak of gas stations, fast food, and other "jobs," those wages are unheard of even if they do get raises. Again, if you quit your MT job, where are you going to make that much anyway?

Another OP stated that it depends on what kind of accounts you have. That is a very very important factor. If you are an experienced, knowledgeable, and reliable MT and you can barely make 1,200 lines a day, or even 1,500, there is something wrong and I would say it is time to look elsewhere. If you stay in the MT business, it may take a while for you to find the right fit but under no circumstances should you be starving or barely making minimum wage. If so, your account is being mismanaged and you should not stay on it.

It is just my personal opinion, but I believe the platforms, QA requirements, acceptance of bad dictators, and other conditions and company tactics we face are more of a problem than our actual rate per line. Heck, I would take 7.5-8 cpl if I did not have to deal with all the garbage that really gets in my way and reduces my income. Good account/dictators can make 8.5 per line a good job. It is those ridiculously impossible ACCOUNTs we should be walking away from and maybe not the line rate.

Like I said, there are 2 sides to every situation and the truth probably lies in the middle.

And I have been on both sides, I am happy, but feel bad that most jobs still.....sm - Cyndiee
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only pay what they were paying back in the early 90s, I truly think THAT is unrealistic. Since I am clearly not making my point since others refuse to consider it, I will let it all lay where it is. But every labor situation has its advocates, and I advocate for the future of MT. I could make way more going in-house, and I have had Health Informations Managment positions, tons of bennies, I stay at home because my growing family needs me, I could not ask for more from any family anywhere, and I, too, am blessed at this "old stage" of my life to be able to work M-F, no holidays, no weekends unless volunteered, and have a good personal relationship with my bosses. But that being aside, I am thinking of OTHERS, not just myself, I know just HOW HARD IT IS TO COME UP THROUGH THE RANKS, and I would love to see good MTs being paid what they deserved, which I still contend is more then 7cpl, no matter how good your dictators are, especially if you are working for half the household income, not pocket money. If people want to be selfish and short-sighted and just look at their particular situation, not the whole industry, then okey dokey, nuff said on each side. Hope you all stay as happy and do not have to look for a new job on today's market, as so many are doing right now.
Cyndiee, Oh believe me, I see your point! - Fingers
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And you have very valid points. Believe, I am very fearful of the day that I may lose my account. I lost my job over a year ago and while I was searching for another I thought the future was very bleak indeed. I turned down a job, not because of the line rate, but because I was allowed to do a few reports. I was very much in need of a job but I had to say no way. The line rate of 8 cpl would have been okay, but not doing the dictators that were on that account. I am sure that as I turned it down there was another MT glad to have it though. Herein lies the problem. This will not stop either, as there are too many unemployed or under-employed MTs who will not turn down a bad situation because they have looked for work for months and maybe can't do any better than to take what is offered to them. While you are right in your points stated, you can't blame them either.

Good luck to you too. Nice debating with you.
Yes, friend, I understand that COMPLETELY, hate the have MTs...sm - Cyndiee
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undervalued and have MTSOs have the economy to justify it all and make it easier to get employees. I would not have gotten here I am, at home, without my husband's wages and benefits and support behind me, I could wait and test and apply all I wanted. But what about the MTs who cannot? I am just so very sad about how we, as a profession, are treated (by many, not ALL, of the companies), and hope and pray we can come together for the good of ALL MTS! God bless right back atcha, we all need that! :-)
YOu are grown.. LOL so what? - MTME
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Who cares that you are "grown," does that make a difference? And besides, by your thinking, if you are "grown" you really don't need anything from anyone, family or anyone else. Just sayin.

Don't assume people are missing something in their private lives either. You are full of assumptions and sound a little full of yourself.. which seems to be what you are concerned with, so it must work out well for you.

Good luck with yourself.
Cyndiee - Nick
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Is it really necessary to curse in your posts? (Or to yell, which is what you are doing by typing in caps?) You are certainly entitled to whatever feelings you have, but how about a little professionalism and civility? Please don't bring tantrum-like behavior onto what has been a very civil forum. Thank you.
No trantrums, or cursing, or unprofessionalism, some passion and compassion, that is all. sm - Cyndiee
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So sorry if you thought I was not "genteel" enough, I teach Sunday School and Hell is a valid place and used commonly, I did not tell anyone to go there or anything, and feeling very passionate and laying your own God-given feelings out there is not a tantrum, far from it. So if your sensibilities were injured, I apologize. I stand by what I say and make no excuses, I love to try to help other people and have even mentored newbies in this field for years online. Guess that is pretty Christian of me, almost enough to say Hell and have God forgive me, huh? and I was not applying for a job, I was talking to "friends" and co-workers here on the board.
Nick - Is your life really that sheltered? - Stop nitpicking
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You were so offended by her statements? Seriously?? It was just an expression. Gimme a break! If that is truly the case, you should be very careful reading many posts on these boards, they may be too much for you because that was certainly mild in comparison. BTW, I would hardly call that "uncivil." If you really want to criticize uncivil posts, you could be kept very busy on many boards here and since you have nothing better to do you better get busy, a lot needs doing!!
Sheltered? - Nick
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Not sheltered, just professional. If you want to talk like that, go to a pool hall.
Professional what? - UR kidding, right?
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"Talk like that?" You don't really have to go in a pool hall to hear the "H" word. It is pretty common in our "civilized" society now, everywhere except in a professional written document. You must really have trouble watching network TV, going to church, or out in public in general. And BTW, you are not at work here. This is a chat board for crying out loud, and you want to police for professionalism??? HAHAHAHA.

Your post proves the point! MTs not only made - 6.5 cpl in 1995, but 1975, as well!

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What boggles the mind is that anyone nowadays even THINKS about becoming an MT. All these MT schools sprouting up everywhere, and what they're peddling is pure snake oil.

The whole point of working is to earn a living. What most - MTSOs toss at us demotes MT to a

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.... demotes MT to nothing more than a HOBBY". - sorry, ran out of room.

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