A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
Thank you moderators - and you know what for.
Posted: Jun 04, 2012I appreciate your quick actions. 
removing posts is censorship - no freedoms anymore
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Freedom of speech is for everyone; even those with whom you don't agree.
If you don't like something, turn the channel, change the station, don't look at it, don't read it, don't buy it.
But don't applaud when it's gone, because then your freedom will be, too.
Not censorship - Wendy
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I am not sure what was removed, but you need to remember that this is a private board which is owned by private owners. They have a right to set and enforce standards. Your freedom of speech argument is specious under these standards. If people do not like the rules, they do not have to read the board. No, I am not a mod, just a reasonable person. Freedom of speech does NOT mean you can say whatever you want to say when you want to see it. Re-read the First Amendment and some of the constitutional commentaries that have been written about it.
not censorship - anon
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being hateful to someone and calling them names is a form of bullying. this SHOULD be censored. "freedom of speech" should not give you the "right" to verbally bully someone simply because you do not agree with what was said. You are infringing on "their" rights then too and makes you no better. There is a limit to everything and in "this" case, the line was crossed.
"freedom of speech" - Snow Bunny
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Freedom OF speech does not include freedom FROM consequences.
Censorship? - Old MT
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I didn't see the post, but if we use the argument that removing a hateful post is censorship, that's ridiculous.
So, using your argument, you would be saying it would be okay to use a racial slur to someone or cuss at them or otherwise. You can't just do an across-the-board "everything is okay" under the guise of freedom of speech. So not true.
I agree. It's better to make up our own minds about - what we want to read, rather than -
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someone making that decision for us.
Freedom - tiredlady
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With Freedom come Responsibility.....PERIOD
why not pat yourself on the back privately - makes more sense
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If this was private between you and the mods, why post out here when you could have emailed them? What's your motivation? Seems like much ado about nothing, or something that should have just been handled privately.
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