A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Question for admins/moderators: - Meezer

Posted: Jul 16, 2014

Can MTstars consider requiring MTSOs to disclose pay rates on the Job Seekers board?  This information would help tremendously for those of us looking for work.  Many companies require testing and the pay rate is not disclosed beforehand.  I am really tired of testing for companies, only to then find out they pay slave wages.

Please, please, admins, discuss this issue and consider REQUIRING MTSOs to disclose their pay rates. 

I agree completely. Except... - nana

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they will just use pay depending on experience or depending on testing which you know as well as I know is bull. We don't get paid for our experience.

Yes they should be required to at least give the "range of pay" as you know no matter how good you do on the test you will be offered the lowest pay.

Why would anyone dislike the original post? I would be interested in knowing what your reasons are.

Answer to "why the dislikes?" - sadie

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Unfortunately, I think the only answer is "Because they can."

Some people tend to love stirring the pot! :p

i think it is because it is not a real possibility - loo

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given everyone is not offered the same pay

dislikes - nana

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Unbelievable that someone would dislike wanting to know what the job pays before testing. Takes all kinds of you know whats to make this world go round. Now you know our business is the way it is. Unless of course it might be an MTSO who doesn't want us to know how they can rape us with low wages. You an MTSO by chance?????? Well too bad if you are. I want to see how much a job is paying before I apply. Bottom line.

Dislike because - sm

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While I would certainly prefer to see a salary/pay rate in any employment ad I read, I would dislike the original post because I don't think the admin of this site has the right to "require" anyone -- employer or job seeker or MT or coder or any other visitor to this site -- to post certain content just because others want to see it.

Sadly, I have learned in my current job search that many employers do not include a salary in their ads. I don't like it, but I certainly don't have the right to tell them how to write their ad.

Sure they have the right. It's THEIR site. - Ad-posting is a privilege, not a right. nm

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Proposal - T
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1. Disallow anything but numbers and decimals in the text fields supplied for revealing pay scales. This way no MTSO can hand us meaningless or self serving crap like "competitive" or "commensurate with experience."
2. Require that the pay scale be filled in. No pay, no ad. tough tamales if you don't like it.

This site has enough of a following in this God-foresaken industry that this can be done with near or complete impunity. This is one of the two big sites where MTs look for work.

This will probably never happen. What MTSO would want to commit to an actual wage and risk getting the reputation for decreasing pay? That kind of thing has to stay in the dark if they are to keep driving their Cadilacs and keep their pools full.
Yes, I suppose that is true - sm
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You are correct - It is their site, so I suppose they can create any rules they like as far as who can post what, when, and how.

However, unfortunately, I think if they imposed this requirement on the employers, they would just advertise somewhere else and not post here at all. (I do not agree with the poster above who claims this site has such a huge following in the MT industry and is one of the top 2 places an MT goes to look for work, but that, I suppose, is an arguement for another day.)

Just to be clear, I agree with the OP that I would much prefer to see job ads with a pay rate included - saves the employer and the employee a lot of wasted time. However, from what I have seen in employment ads across all job types/careers/fields, it is certainly not uncommon to leave out salary/pay info. I don't like it any more than the next job seeker, but I still think an employer has the right to word their ad any way they see fit, just like the job seeker has the right to pass on to the next ad or contact the potential employer and ask some questions before testing. If they won't answer basic questions, I doubt you want to test for them anyway!

Then they should disclose what their pay scale - is for each experience level. - Jess

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Jess - Anonymous

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I don't know if you have considered it, advertising is not free. Including what you want to see in an ad would be expensive. MT Stars needs employers to advertise, it also costs money to keep this site up and running, I don't see them turning people away. For heaven's sake, do what other people do and apply for the job. During the interview, they will disclose the salary. I've always worked on site but have had quite a few interviews and for me, the salary was not disclosed until an offer of employment was made. I was never in a position to turn down a job offer and I usually tended to look at the entire compensation package. MT wages now are pretty standard across the board and there is not going to be any pie in the sky with regard to pay. Most MTs these days are smart enough to know the salary range anyway. I am paid hourly and even I know what the companies pay. You can do some investigating on your own, don't expect the employer to state everything up front in an ad.
To Jess - additional note - Additional note
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Another reason why employers usually are vague in ads about salary is this: What if you worked for a company, not just an MTSO but any company, and saw an opening advertised for your position if the company hired additional staff? Suppose you'd been there for years and the salary the advertised was more than you were currently being paid? It would make you feel bad and it would open up a can of worms for the employer. All anyone needs to do is Google articles on HR policy and salary confidentiality to know why they don't tell you everything in an ad.

AMEN!! It would help both MTSOs and MTs, - because then nobody wastes their time.

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It not only wastes the MT's time to apply and test for a company that ends up with a pay scale far below what that MT can accept, but it also wastes the MTSO's time as well.

It's time for a little more honesty and transparency in this business, and I think the Jobs Board is as good a place as any to start!

A response by admin would be appreciated! (nm) - Meezer

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Demanding and Rude - Nice strategy

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Good luck on getting that response!

Flame much? - Meezer

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She already has a requirement - read the forum first

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"4. Please do not post job ads offering less than .05 cpl for actual transcription work performed or 0.3 cpl for editing, QA or VR work. "Earn & Learn" programs cannot be offered for less than this amount on the MTStars website as it takes advantage of the new MT willing to take the chance working for your company. "

That is not what myself, and apparently many others, - Meezer

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are asking. We want the pay rate disclosed on job ads. I refuse to work for 0.05 cpl/0.03 for VR. Therefore I don't want to waste my time testing if that slave rate is GOING to be offered after I test. Personally, I would not take below 0.08/0.05; SO I want to know who pays that and who doesn't. Simple.

And thank you for posting, MTSO manager.

LOL- tiny minds - wow

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Because I dont support your demands I'm an MTSO manager? Nope, just a grunt MT who is smart enough to realize salary in a want ad is RARE in ANY field. But go on demanding, wishing, whatever, it gives you something to do and I suppose makes you feel like you're accomplishing something. How about asking a company up front? That's what I've done. I've NEVER been told "take the test and then we'll tell you." NEVER.
Tiny minds wow! - Anonymous
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I have to agree. Posting salaries in want ads just is not done. For one thing, which people in this forum can't seem to fathom, salary information is confidential. Where I work, it is actually included in the confidentiality pledge that we sign ever year, right up there with protecting patient information. Believe it or not, some places do pay based on experience, so what you see in an ad may not be what you get. Also, someone who tests better than someone else may be offered more. I agree, ask the employer. Don't ask others what they make, that's between them and their employer. Don't post publicly (in this forum, for example) what company XYZ pays, that may come back to haunt you later.

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